
Sunday, July 29, 2007

End of July Blooms

We had family from Alabama visiting over the weekend and had a wonderful time. Nell's sister, brother-in-law, niece, the niece's husband and two children came up to spend some time with Nell in the nursing home. They were able to be here from Friday until Sunday afternoon. I didn't get out in the yard while they were here and was surprised at some of my blooms when I watered this evening.
I've never had a hydrangea before, I'm not sure why because I think they are beautiful. Last fall I decided to rectify that and planted six of them; out of the six only three survived and only one is blooming and looks healthy. It's quite small, but at least it's alive and doing well. I moved another one from the side of the house, to the backyard a few days ago, because I never water anything on that side of the house and it was suffering from lack of rain and heat. hopefully it will perk up and bloom.
A few of the zinnias that I grew from seed are beginning to bloom.
I have mums blooming already. I'm not sure if I should pinch them back or not. I'm thinking of just enjoying these blooms now, because I always add a few mums in the fall too.
The lavender that I planted several weeks ago is blooming. I've never had lavender before and was so excited to see it.

I almost missed the blooms on the variegated lily turf too. I have quite a few of these, so the others will probably be blooming soon.
I'm also getting a few buds on the moonflower and should get a bloom soon.
I'm usually in the yard everyday for at least a quick check, (lately it's to check for Japanese beetles), so I was surprised to see how quickly things in the yard changed in such a short time.
I did a bit of deadheading and weeding this evening and finally pulled the violas from the front flower bed. They lasted far longer than I thought they would, hopefully they will reseed and fill that small space.


  1. I can't believe the mums are blooming already, that means Fall!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I use herbs for health, but do not eat as well as I should, so I don't know how much it helps. But I will say that neither my husband, son, or myself have been to a doctor for any ailments for 20 years, so I will continue what I am doing.

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  3. No doubt all these great blooms are due to the rain we have been getting recently. I am so glad I haven't had to water lately! My salvia are blooming like crazy!

  4. Vonlafin, you're welcome. No doctor in 20 years, I'd say something you're doing is working.

    ginger, I enjoyed a break in watering too, although I had to water flowers yesterday, and it looks like there's no rain in the forcast for us in the next five days.

  5. My mums that are the same color as yours have a couple of blooms already too! I love zinnias and yours are very pretty. The critters did a number on mine this year.


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