
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tickled Pink

My hands are so blistered and sore I can barely type. This evening I started a project and was determined to finish it before I came in, (I finished a little after 10:00 p.m.). We have an outdoor lamppost that really needs to be replaced, but instead, I decided to cover it up. I did a raised bed, using castle blocks, around the lamppost and removed all of the grass. To mark my area and get it even, I took a bungee cord and hooked it around the light post at one end and hooked the other end to my edger. It was pretty easy to keep the shape I wanted, (semi-circle), with this easy method. I had bought two Maiden grasses and planted them on either side of the lamppost. I'll have to decide what else to plant, I know for certain I want a clematis to grow in between the grasses and up the lamppost. It will also be a perfect spot for tulip bulbs and maybe some asters or mums too.
I'm so excited, a neighbor/friend has invited me to go on a little trip with her for a couple of days. We will be going to north Indiana's Amish country. I love it up there! She has never been, so it'll be fun taking her to my favorite stores and then on Tuesday we'll go to the huge flea market. I'm on the lookout for a rustic looking birdhouse, I should be able to find it there.
I'll be back on Wednesday!


  1. Lovely pink blooms! Have a wonderful time on your trip and I hope you find some neat rustic birdhouses...I am always on the lookout for them, too.

  2. It sounds like a lovely thing you have done with the lamp post. Enjoy your trip with your friend ~~ sounds like fun!!

  3. At least you had the light of the post lamp to illuminate you while you were working.

    Looking forward to a report from your visit to Amish country!

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  4. What beautiful pink blooms. I love your enthusiastic description of your new lamp post project and will look forward to seeing photos. Have a great trip--it sounds like fun.

  5. Wonderful pink blooms! I'm curious to see that lamp post thingy of yours. ;-) Have you given your poor hands a good massage with some good cream?

    That trip to Amish country sounds wonderful. It's always nice to go places with someone who hasn't seen it before. Makes you fall in love with it all, all over again.

  6. What lovely pink blooms, pink is my favorite color. Enjoy your trip to the Amish country!

  7. I love pink as well. That was this years color for my annuals.. How big was the zinnia??

  8. Thank you all, I did have a wonderful trip.

    Yolanda, my poor hands were a mess but are healing up nicely. Do any gardeners have pretty hands?


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