
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hummingbirds Again

My sweet kitty and I love to look outside; it is one of our favorite pastimes right now. I'm not a T.V. watcher, for one thing there isn't anything I care to watch and another thing is I get too bored just sitting there. You would think it would bore me to just sit and look out the window but it doesn't. It is fascinating to sit and see the birds, butterflies and bees. If I weren't watching I would be missing so many interesting things.For example, yesterday I posted about the territorial hummingbirds, and boy were they ever territorial today! What a show they put on for us. I put some fresh nectar in the feeder and four hummingbirds, (the most I've seen at one time), came immediately and began to fight over it. It was amazing to watch their acrobats and see them flying so many different ways. Two of them almost came right into the open window where I was sitting, (the window is only opened about six to eight inches). This isn't a good picture, because they are so fast, especially when they are fighting, but if you look on the ground you can see the orange on the male. He was the one guarding the feeder yesterday and he was losing the battle today. I believe the other hummingbird, which you can see flying up from the ground, might be a juvenile male, because he has a small red dot on his throat. I thought they were going to kill each other. Most of this fight took place right in front of the window. Would they fight like this over flowers? Is it the feeders that make them so mean or is it just their nature? It's no wonder they are so fast, they are constantly looking over their shoulders for an attack and they have to be fast to outrun the other hummers. I was thinking today that they need hummingbird Ritalin or something to calm down a bit. Boy, are they ever mean and hyper little creatures.


  1. Hi, watching hummers down here in Oklahoma too! They are incredible and yes better than tv!

    Martha in OKC

  2. That was quite a show the little hummers put on.

    You'd be mean to if you had to constantly consume thousands of calories to survive ! It's difficult for them to find good food sources to satisfy their high calorie needs, thus the competition for your wonderful nectar.

  3. Mine chase each other off here but I've never seen them do battle quite like yours. I'm not sure if I have two pair or more. I have one that will sit on the electric wire on look out while it's mate is busy at the flowers. I only put out the feeder when there are no plants blooming for them. My neighbor has no flowers but lots of feeders so maybe the show is better at her house. Great pictures!

  4. I just love them to! But they wear me out, they are so hyper.

  5. Great photos of your kitty and the hummingbirds. I could look out the window all day and watch hummingbirds. I never tire of them and their boundless energy!

  6. Keep the amazing pictures coming!

    Aside from the fact that I still can't believe you can get shots like you do, your cats looks very eerily exactly like mine, but fluffier!

  7. Iboy, Libby is about three years old.

    Thank you all for the kind comments, they really mean a lot and are a great encouragement.

  8. Hummingbird Ritalin... that's hilarious, Robin!!


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