
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Giant White Moonflower

I grew moon flowers this past winter and I am just now getting blooms. I was hoping they would bloom while my mother and dad were here, but they left this morning and wouldn't you know it, the first blooms opened this evening. They are large white beautiful blooms. I had no idea when I started these in February that they would take so long to bloom. I'm not sure if I will grow them again since they are taking over the arborvitae, ( and everything else) near the trellises. My dad teased me and called them kudzu, which is a very aggressive vine taking over the city of Tuscaoosa and a large portion of the south. I had not thought about it until he mentioned it, but it does look and behave like kudzu. I'll have to do some reading on this to make sure it will not drop seeds and become invasive.
The gerbera daisies are still blooming. I've enjoyed them immensely, I wish they were perennial. I also need to research this and find out how to propagate them or possibly overwinter them.


  1. My Aunt used to grow a moon flower vine that was perennial. I have never been able to find one, all the ones I have grown have been annuals. I know what you mean about reseeding, that happened to me with Granpa Ott morning glories, grow them once and you have them forever.

  2. Robin, I've never found moonflower vine to be invasive like morning glory. I didn't grow it this year, but I used to every year. In all that time, I only got a volunteer once. Instead, I'd collect seed from the dried pods in late fall and plant them in the spring. I love those fragrant flowers.

  3. Robin, I overwintered a gerbera daisy two winters ago and it actually bloomed about midwinter. So it can be done! It was in a south window, so it got the most light possible.

    I love the shade of yours!

  4. Your plant is earlier than mine, Robin! I'm hoping to finally see a bloom from my moon flower tonight - more than one month later than last year. When we lived in IL they bloomed from August until frost.

    But I've had to save seeds - they didn't reseed for me.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. Vonlafin, my seed packet says that this one is a perennial in mild areas.

    Pam/digging, thank you, Pam, I'm glad to know it isn't invasive. I wouldn't want these growing just anywhere. I wasn't aware that they had a fragrance, I'll have to smell the next bloom. I just checked and the seed packet does say that it has fragrant blooms.

    Kylee, thank you for letting me know about your overwintering experience with the gerbera daisy. I am definitely going to try it, especially if it's possible to get winter blooms.

    Annie, I'm surprised that mine bloomed before yours. It must be because I started mine indoors in February. I'm glad to know they didn't reseed for you either.

  6. Lovely color on those gerbs! Is the moonflower fragrant?

  7. Robin, I so much enjoy reading your blog and viewing your gorgeous pics. Running the gamut from icky worms to delicate hummingbird moths, you offer so much of God's wonderful creation. I especially enjoy seeing the fruits of your labors in your flower gardening. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Susan in P'cola

  8. Connie, after Pam mentioned that they were fragrant I checked, and mine do have a slight fragrance.

    Susan, thank you. I am continually amazed by the wonder of God's creation. So many little things I used to overlook and take for granted but now when I capture them on camera, I see them in a different light and with new appreciation.

  9. Ilove moonflowers, and like to sit out at sundown and watch them open. The sphynx moths come to them and seem to love them very much. I have never found them to be invasive in the sense of coming back year after year, they are not winter hardy at all. And the seeds I collect do not always sprout, either.

  10. Robin - I grow moonflower and love it, especially the fragrance at night. If you watch at night you might see the large moths that like them. I have a picture of one on my blog. They are not invasive, however I deadhead mine before the pods develop. I also like the Angel's Trumpet, the climbing variety that has the same bloom. My moonflowers are perennial but I have to replant the Angel's Trumpet each spring. This was the first year I was able to grow it from seed. I really enjoy your blog. Your pictures are beautiful.


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