
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Purple Prince Zinnia

Something pretty to look at after the ugly spider.

Shirl said in her blog that, "house sparrows have been included on an updated list of species and habitats which need protection".

I just wanted to let her know that she shouldn't worry about the sparrows since most of them are at my house right now.
These pictures were taken through the landing window, (glass and screen), so they aren't very clear. I never deadhead my purple coneflowers, no matter how ugly they are in the garden because the goldfinches love the seeds. These are about the only pretty birds I have around here and I want them to stay.


  1. Incredible flower! Your photo is fabulous!! I've never seen this flower before and I just love the colors. It always amazes me to see the creativity of our Lord. Thanks for posting. :)

  2. Hi again, Robin

    Loved the link - I also love to see the birds on the ground and on the trees as well as at the feeders as your photos show. I bet it was noisy in your garden!

    Your goldfinches are quite different from ours which are a lot smaller than house sparrows. It is great to be able to see the different bird species you have in your garden.

  3. 'Purple Prince' actually looks almost purple - most of the purple zinnias turn out too pink. I might look for this one next spring.

    Nice photos, Robin!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  4. The picture is so beautiful,never seen a Purple Zinnia before

  5. Paula, thank you and you're welcome. That is why I love nature; it is amazing when we take the time to really see the wonder and beauty of creation.

    Shirl, there were so many birds that day. I enjoy hearing the birds, I didn't notice them being too noisy.

    Annie and Elizabeth, thank you. The Purple Prince zinna is a beautiful purple. I planted them from seed. It was a Burpee select seed package and it had a great germination rate.

  6. Such a pretty color on that zinnia!!

    And great photos of the finches on the coneflowers. We've got lots of finches here right now, too, so I'm leaving the seedheads for them, also.

  7. Beautiful zinnia! Where did you order the seed from?

  8. Vonlafin, I bought it at Walmart. I hope they carry it again this year or I'll have to find another source. I love the purple ones.

  9. Beautiful photo of the purple zinnia! I grow one called Benary's Giant purple, which is similar in color but larger and fuller.
    Gold finches and Chickadees are really feasting on my sunflowers right now...if I am going to save any seed I will have to get out there and get some soon. :-)


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