
Monday, August 20, 2007

Refreshing Rain

We finally have received a good rainfall. It stormed most of last night and off and on all day today. The ground is saturated. The grass looks so much greener and the flowers and other plants are refreshed. I did just a little weeding tonight and those weeds just popped right out, I tried the other day and it was like pulling weeds from cement. I plan to get some much needed weeding done tomorrow. I am hoping our long dry spell is over because I really need to plant a few shrubs and a couple of trees, and I want to plant some perennials.


  1. No rain for me last night, but I think I got close to three inches of rain this afternoon and early evening. I would have preferred a slower, steadier rain, but I'll take this, and more of it!

    I just posted about the rain, too.

    And have you picked a name for your garden?

    Hummingbird Hill?
    Hummingbird Haven?

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  2. Hi again, Robin

    Great photos - I just love to see photos of plants with raindrops.

    Did I correctly recognise the first photo as the leaves from an Acer tree? Are the leaves beginning to change colour for Autumn - if so is this the usual time for this?


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