
Friday, September 28, 2007

Morning Sky

The clouds looked as if they were ablaze this morning. I almost missed capturing this magnificent sight. I saw it when I opened the blinds and before I could get my camera and get outside some of the brilliant colors had already disappeared. I only got a few shots before this color too vanished before my eyes.


  1. Wow, that sky looks spectacular! Thanks for capturing this on camera Robin!

  2. Amazing color! What was the rest of the day like? Did the color foretell sunshine or shadow?

  3. Those clouds are gorgeous! I love when things like this happen.

  4. Very cool looking. Now that it gets light later, I'm usually already at work when the sun starts to come up, so I miss stuff like this.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  5. Another phenomenal photo shoot, Robin. You are so good at catching the beauty of God's creation. Thanks for posting your pics!!

  6. " Red sky in the morning, sailor, take warning... " guess it didn't rain thought, did it ? Those are gorgeous pictures, Robin. We've not had any rain here in several weeks. How about you ?

  7. Very beautiful. I love sunsets and sunrises.

  8. Absolutely incredible!! The things I miss most about living in the Midwest are the mind-blowing sunsets in the fall. To see how He paints the sky, is beyond my imagination. You've captured the colors magnificently!! Please post more. I don't see any of that in the NW.

  9. Fantastic photos of your morning sky!

  10. Hi – this is an invitation to join the Garden Bloggers Retro carnival. I don’t know if you’ve ever come across the concept of a Blog carnival – if not I’ve explained it in detail on my site today (Oct 1). But basically the idea is to revive an old post which you think is worth rereading, or which you think new readers might enjoy. Send me the link to the post, and in November I’ll publish a series of posts describing and linking to all the posts people have nominated.
    I hope you’ll join in and we have a fun carnival!

  11. You're welcome, Yolanda Elizabet, it was spectacular.

    Nan, the day was beautiful and sunny.

    Me too, Kylee, I'm so glad I didn't miss it.

    I was up at 5:00, Carol, and I see the sunrise fairly often these days, but this was so different for some reason. It's a shame you missed it.

    For a fair deal, thank you for such a lovely comment.

    Carolyn Gail, no it didn't rain at all. It was a beautiful day. We did have some rain several days ago, but we really need it again. Thanks for the comment.

    Dirty Knees, I love them too, this area has really lovely sunrise and sunsets.

    Paula, we really do have gorgeous sunrise and sunsets here. The colors are brilliant. I'll do my best to capture more.

    Connie, thank you.

    Sue, I'll pop over to visit and check it out. Thanks for the invitation.

  12. Stunning! The fact that it was so fleeting makes it all the more a special sight.


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