
Wednesday, October 3, 2007


It will be one week tomorrow since I saw the last hummingbird in my garden and I've been seeing fewer birds and butterflies too. Today, however I had quite a few butterflies visiting. There were several painted ladies, a couple of monarchs, a at least three or four cabbage whites and a yellow one that was probably some kind of sulpher, (I didn't get a good look at it because when I got closer it quickly flew to my neighbors yard). They were all here at the same time this afternoon so I enjoyed the opportunity to get a few more pictures of these gorgeous creatures.

I'm so glad I came back home in between errands today or I would have missed them. I'm really going to miss seeing these beauties when it turns cooler.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the butterflies! I live in Columbus & still have them here. Also, I had a hummingbird feasting on my Lantana yesterday. Maybe I'm just enough farther south than you are...(not sure of your location.) Our leaves are just beginning to turn. Not much color yet.


  2. Those are stunning pictures! Wasn't it nice to get some rain this morning? The garden looks so bright and clean after a good rain!

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  3. Gorgeous photos!! I will miss the butterflies, too, but the birds are still feasting on my dried up sunflowers, so that is some consolation.

  4. I've had a couple of great days for butterflies, so I think this is the migration wave we're seeing. I didn't manage to get a photo of the Painted Lady for my blog post, it flew off whenever it saw me. I'm envious of your hummer visits.


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