
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Freeze

I went outside yesterday morning to survey the damage from our first freeze.

The bird feeders were covered with hungry sparrows and the birdbath water was frozen.

The cosmos and zinnias were completely destroyed by the freeze. They still looked O.K. while frozen, but when thawed they turned an ugly brown. I pulled them all up today.

I couldn't believe it when I looked up and saw the hot air balloon. It was way too cold for a sunrise balloon ride.


  1. Beautiful picture as always. This weekend I'm emptying all the containers and stowing the garden ornaments for the winter. Then whatever else needs to get done in the garden can either get done, or not.

    Have a great day.
    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  2. Brrrrrr makes me cold to just see your freeze.

    We don't expect a freeze until next week sometime according to the weather people.

    Keep warm.

  3. I just posted frost pictures, too. We had our first on the 3oth. I was actually ready and waiting for it this year! I could to wrap up the garden and work on some other projects.

  4. Oh, I agree....brrrrr! A sunrise balloon ride would be cold, but can you imagine the view you would have on the awakening world? Your photos are lovely, and I especially like the one of your little feathered friends! Blessings!

  5. Lovely pics Robin, I liked the one with the birds especially. So your h=garden has been hit by the first frost, always a difficult moment for the gardener, don't you think?

    I haven't had any real frost yet and keeping my fingers crossed it won't hit for some time to come (a gardener can dream, right?).

    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Lovely photos. I'm rather fond of cosmos. I really must plant some this year.


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