
Monday, October 15, 2007

October Garden Blogger Bloom Day

Welcome to Robin's Nesting Place for the October Garden Blogger Bloom Day, hosted by Carol from May Dreams Gardens.

Not much is blooming here this month and some of the things still blooming are not looking very pretty and I'm kind of ready to end their misery and get things cleaned up.

The zinnias and cosmos are some that are not looking so great any more but are still blooming.

The impatiens are blooming but I'm ready to pull them from the front porch flower bed and get it cleaned up and plant some mums or pansies.

The salvia is still blooming and has seeded in some areas with new little plants just beginning to bloom. The verbena is still blooming and I also have several new volunteers from this as well.

I cut this purple wave petunia all the way back a couple of months ago because it looked terrible due to my lack of watering. I thought it was dead but it came back and is much prettier than the original plant.
A hosta is blooming...

as are the grasses.
This miniature rose bush is in full bloom.

The mums are beautiful and are the star of my October garden.
The anise hyssop was cut back but sprouted new growth and has a few flowers.
Salvia, sage and Lavender are still blooming.
Lantana and black-eyed Susan's have a few tired looking blooms.

That is my list for October GBBD. I'm already dreading the November, Garden Blogger No Bloom for me day. I must get some pansies soon.


  1. They may be the last flowers, but they do their show!

  2. I love your Welcome pumpkin, and your flowers look great. I am wondering about NOvember, too!

  3. Hi there, Robin

    What fantastic photos :-D

    I particularly loved the flowering grass. What a great selection for GBBD :-)

  4. I love your Welcome pumpkin too. Your flowers still look great to me. The power of cropping, eh?

  5. I love the petunias. That is a classic case of waiting to see if a plant will live. Beautiful blooms!

  6. Robin, I've visited a lot of blogs today, around the country and the world, but it's nice to visit yours which feels so much like home. Indeed, you do need to get some pansies to have something for November's bloom day!

    Thanks for joining in again,
    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  7. Love that welcome sign! Your flowers do not look bad to me at all. At this time of year every bloom counts! BTW I'm off to get some pansies as well.

  8. Beautiful blooms. But I've been meaning to tell you that what really makes me grin every time I visit your blog is that wonderful little robin bird in the bath on the side. Great photo!

    --Robin (Bumblebee)

  9. You could always get some paperwhite narcissus for indoor forcing; they bloom fairly quickly after planting. Depending on the weather this Fall, I may have something for November & December Bloom day, but January will definitely be a no-show month. You pics glow with Autumnal warmth!

  10. For October in the north you have a pretty good list, Robin. And now you know that little trick for renewing petunias when they get lanky ;-)

    I hope some of the salvia and verbena seeds wait until next spring to sprout, so you'll have them blooming next year.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  11. I have to agree with Carol, visiting your blog is like visiting a neighbor, great pics and I love your pumpkin welcome sign, what is it made out of?

  12. You all are just the greatest! Such nice comments! Thank you so much for visiting Robin's Nesting Place and taking the time to leave a comment. If you're like me GBBD is a busy day of visiting blogs and time consuming to leave comments with each visit. I do appreciate each and every one left here today.

    Iowa Gardening Woman, the pumpkin is made of some kind of thin metal. I bought it in August while my mom was here visiting. I think I got it at the Flower Factory.


Thank you for stopping by! I love receiving your comments and appreciate each one.