
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Strange Evening Sky

Today was a dreary, gray, cold and cloudy day. This evening at dusk for just a few minutes the sun tried to appear and break through the clouds. The sight was amazing to behold. The above picture is completely untouched and was taken without the camera flash. As you can see it was just about dark and still very cloudy.

This picture was lightened a little and is more like what actually saw. The heavy clouds were so red. It was quite beautiful and very interesting.

This picture is also untouched. It doesn't even look real, does it?

Since it was getting so dark, the camera just didn't quite capture the amazing beauty, but at least you can tell how heavy the flaming red clouds were.


  1. Your photos are beautiful. They reminded me of those people in California fighting fires. Which is what I thought the pictures might be of before I read the first caption.

  2. Lisa, I thought about the fires when I saw the images on the computer too. I can't imagine what the people there are going through right now. So sad.

  3. Wow, those are gorgeous sky photos. They do look like wildfires at night, especially the first two. Beautiful shots!

  4. That is just surreal. Don't you love those moments in life? It makes you feel like you are in a movie or fairytale where everything is so beautiful. Don't you wish that cameras could really capture what you see sometimes?

  5. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight." You should have good weather tomorrow, Robin. For more info on this adage:

  6. Fabulous photos, Robin. You should send them in to the folks at the Weather Channel as I bet they would show them!!

    It's cold and 54 degrees in P'cola today. We are enjoying the autumn temps!!


  7. Robin, we had that same sky. I posted about it, too! I didn't post the orange sky in the west, just the pink one in the east. It was bizarre, wasn't it?! I kept running from the front yard to the back yard because I couldn't get enough of both skies. Maybe I'll add my western photo to the post...

    I know people probably think our photos are enhanced, but they aren't! It was just like that, wasn't it?

  8. I missed it! Surely I had the same sky here. I'll have to see what the sky looks like tonight.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  9. Wow Robin, great pics of spectacular evening skies. It looks like the sky is on fire.

  10. Simply awesome photos!! Wish I could have seen the clouds.

  11. I call it God's Canvas. His creation is awesome!

    Barbara in Virginia

  12. I call it "God's Canvas". His creation is awesome!

    Barbara in Virginia


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