
Friday, October 5, 2007

Traveling War Memorial in Noblesville

This is strictly a gardening and photography hobby blog, it is not a blog about me or my family. I try not to have topics that might be controversial because I want this blog to be 100% enjoyable to me and any person who might visit here. Sometimes it's hard to know where to draw the line between personal blogging and garden blogging. This is one of those times. I love the community where I live, and there have been times when I have posted about interesting places around Indy. So this post goes in that "Around Indy" category.

Noblesville is hosting the Vietnam Memorial Wall for a few days and I took my 15 year old son to see it this evening. It was amazing. I was surprised at the emotions I felt while visiting the memorial. I don't even personally know of anyone who died in Vietnam or any other war. I have relatives and friends who have served, but thankfully none were killed. Yet, the tears flowed just the same. There was a veteran there who talked with me as I shed my tears. He had obviously had a very rough life after his service in Vietnam. He said this wall had saved his life. He travels with it around the country. I guess it gives him purpose and helps to heal old wounds by knowing that people care and appreciate their service and sacrifice. I'm very thankful indeed for those who serve our country so we can have our freedoms. Seeing all of those names on that wall today really caused me to be more aware of the "Cost of Freedom".


  1. Hi Robin,

    I often struggle with what to include in my blog and what not to include. On the whole, I just write about what interests me, while trying not to overly expose someone else. Not sure if that really works though in terms of what other people like to read.

    --Robin (Bumblebee)

  2. My heart is touched to know you took your son to visit the memorial and you let him see you cry. I cry trying to sing the "Star Spangled Banner." Children will have no idea what patriotism is if we don't show it to them. Thanks for posting this!

  3. Robin,

    You've revealed what a caring human being you are . My brother served in Korea and thank God he came home safely. But any American soldier deserves to be recognized and appreciated for his service to country.

  4. I visited the Traveling War Memorial a couple of years ago when it was in Waverly, Iowa. Being part of the Vietnam generation, it was very moving experience for me. I knew 3 young men who lost their lives there, none of the 3 was 20 years old at the time. I know many others who served their country in Vietnam. I am so glad this memorial travels the country.


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