
Friday, November 23, 2007

Figuring out Flickr


I'm still trying to get this picture thing figured out so please bear with me. Today I was determined to figure out how to download my pictures from Flickr to my blog, especially since I already have a pro account with them through my internet service, (AT&T Yahoo). The pro account, if I remember correctly, allows me unlimited storage. I had successfully posted a single picture to the blog once before but couldn't figure out how to do more than one. I think I got it, finally. For those who may not already know how to do it either, I thought I'd share what I'm learning. Also I want it posted for my own benefit, so I can refer back to it if needed. When it comes to technology I'm am an admitted moron, (albeit a determined student), so if anyone knows an easier way to do this please inform me.


Figuring how to upload pictures to Flicker is pretty easy. Figuring how to post a picture on the blog is a little more complicated.

Add noteSend to groupAdd to setBlog thisAll sizesOrder printsRotateDelete

This comes up when you click on your picture. You would think the logical thing to click on is the "BLOG THIS" button. That button just put a single picture on a brand new blog post, not the one I was working on. The button to click is the "ALL SIZES". There you select the size of picture you want, (square, thumbnail, small, medium or original).


Underneath the picture, are these instructions:

To link to this photo on other websites you can either:

1. Copy and paste this HTML into your webpage: (with a box including the picture's HTML)

2. Grab the photo's URL: (with a box including the pictures URL)

To use the Html, you have to copy everything in the box, go to the post you are working on and click on the Edit Html tab, find where you want the picture to be located and paste. Using the Html is very intimidating for me, but once you get the hang of it, it's very easy.



These pictures were taken today. We had snow and sleet yesterday and it snowed for a little while again this morning. The petunias are still blooming, but are beginning to turn yellow. They won't last much longer. The Bradford pears are just now showing off their stunning colors, while most of the other trees are already bare.


  1. Pretty pictures. I am still scratching my head over all this picture uploading stuff. Were you forwarned about the picasa account? I don't think I am hooked to that.??? I chose not to worry about it now. :/

  2. I agree that at first editing the HTML code of a blog entry can be intimidating, but then as you learn it, it is not too bad.

    I don't use Flickr, I still upload from Blogger. I do like the idea of a fixed sized picture though.

    Thanks for doing all the research for us!

    Carol, May Dream Gardens

  3. Hi again, Robin :-)

    Thanks for all this info - I will bookmark it as I'm sure I will need to do this in the future myself :-D

    Just posted on another two sites with wildlife photos you might like to look at :-D :-D

  4. I haven't tried the Flicker thing. I just use the Blogger one for my photos. But if I decide to use Flicker, I know where to come for help! :-)

  5. I generally take my pics and shrink them in size to under 100K (I use the free software GIMP because it's easy to use and free) Then I upload them to my web accounts. You can easily get a good 400x400 picture (or variations on that) from a 100K pic. And that's generally good enough for the Net.

    btw - I love the robin in your navbar. :-)

  6. Wow, there is so much to learn. Maybe this winter I will have more time to figure it all out. Thanks for helping.

  7. I am bookmarking this post so that I can refer back to it. I still upload my pictures from Blogger ... one of these days I will find that I've run out of space. At that point, I think I may switch my blog to Wordpress. I have problems formatting my posts with pictures in Blogger. It is much easier in Wordpress.

    Your photographs are beautiful!

  8. That Bradford Pear is stunning. They seem to be the first to show off in the spring and the last one to show off in the fall.

  9. Lisa, I knew I had a Blogger account, didn't know it was Picasa and wasn't sure how to access it until I recently did the research on it. I knew I was using up space because right beside the upload pictures button it tells you how much you have left.

    I still like Blogger better than Flickr too, Carol.

    Shirl, I checked your site and was surprised to find my blog mentioned. Thanks. I love the other nature photography blogs.

    Kylee, your like me, you post a lot of pictures. I think Blogger will take about 4000 standard size pictures, so you are O.K. for a while yet.

    Doug: Thanks for the information.I'll have to check out GIMP.

    Vonlafin: I kind of have information overload right now. There is so much to learn, but it's fun too.

    Thank you, Kate. I've been checking into other blog host too. Blogger has been so easy to learn, that I dread getting started on something else.

    Farmer Blue's Wife, thanks for stopping by. I love Bradford pear trees for that very reason.


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