
Monday, December 3, 2007



While out today running errands, I couldn't help but notice all of the poinsettias in the stores. This was the first time I had noticed all of the different colored poinsettias.


The most unusual colors to me were the blue and purple ones.


I guess some of them are pretty in their own sort of way, maybe if it wasn't Christmas. I don't know, some people may actually prefer them to the red ones.

I can't imagine anyone liking the gaudy red glitter on the white one though. This just screams tacky to me.



I guess I'm a traditionalist, the red poinsettia just looks more seasonally festive and Christmassy. I don't think I could bring myself to buy any other color. I'm wondering if you ladies like the other colors for Christmas. Which is your favorite?


  1. Oh man. How tragic. It is almost worse than the glued on fake flowers on cacti.

    Btw I saw your comment and you're free to refer to the post ;0)

  2. I think it strange that someone would color and glitter real poinsettas if they want something fake. There are some pretty fake (silk) poinsettas if you want something that looks unreal. People do the strangest things to get a "look".

  3. I never buy poinsettias as they are very poisonous and I don't want to lose any of my cats. Gaaaaaa to the ones with all the glitter on, who's not so bright idea was that? ;-)

  4. Wow, I have never seen blue ones! Do you suppose that they are dyed that way? And that glitter! Not for me, I will stick to red or pink.

  5. Hi Robin,

    I saw those in a store the other day and wanted to call the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Plants - anybody got the number?

    Like your other posters, my problem isn't that they're glitzy or in uncommon colors - who would mind if they were silk flowers? I probably wouldn't care if it were a cut flower, either.

    But there's something creepy about doing this stuff to living plants. [I was given one of those cactus with the glued on flowers so I know what Mr Brown Thumb means.]

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  6. I have never seen these before! It's beautiful.
    Anyway, I prefer the red one because it is the real for Christmas. The others seem unusual.

    BTW, as the photos, I like the first photo the most (the light purple) @^o^@

  7. Mr. Brown Thumb, thanks for stopping by. I haven't seen cactus with glued on flowers, I can't imagine.

    Lisa, hopefully this will not be a popular thing and the fad will end quickly.

    YE: I wonder if this trend will spread to the Netherlands. I'm sure you guys there have way too much gardening class to do something so garish.

    Vonlafin, some of them did look dyed, kind of like the carnations do.

    Annie,that is so funny. Some of the colors might even be pretty if they weren't covered in glitter, it makes them look cheap and gaudy.

  8. I saw these at Walmart and can't imagine that they will sell all of them. They had some nice 'normal' ones, too, in red, white, pink and another one that was pink that faded to white. I really liked that one, but my favorite is red, too. It's just that traditional Christmas look to me.

  9. Dear Robin,
    YIKES! I have not seen these. I seldom am in the regular market place so I am not likely to either.
    Thank goodness.
    I agree with Annie this is cruelty to plants!
    Like you said maybe it is some very strange, quickly passing, trend. I hope so!
    My Christmas colors are pink and green and if I do poinsettas I like the white ones or the very pale pink ones.
    Enjoyed visiting you. Hope to come back soon.

  10. I have never seen those blue and purple ones! My personal favorite is the pink, because it matches the decor in my house...I decorate my tree and other spots in the house with vintage pink and teal ornaments.

  11. Robin, give me the deep ruby red poinsettias for my table any day. I hope you and yours are all over the stomach bug and are feeling good. Do you have snow in your neck of the woods?

  12. Hi again, Robin :-)

    It’s great to get such a strong response from a post isn’t it? Yep having gardeners regularly reading your posts the ‘poor’ plants didn’t have a chance :-D

    I agree with all that has been said above. It actually gives me the shivers seeing real growing plants look this way. Yep there is a huge market for artificial plants so why does it need to spill to real ones. Yes, as Mr Tom Thumb said artificial flowers are glued to cacti and I have seen them being sold here in the UK - usually small plants and tiny flowers.

    Of course I have to say that poinsettas are not the only plants to suffer in this way although I do expect Christmas is the most popular time. I am appalled to say that here in some large Scottish Garden Centres heather is being sold in a variety of unnatural colours after being dyed that way! They plants hardly show any green at all. I really don’t get the dying idea!!!!

    Anyway, thanks for posting your ‘find’. It was definitely interesting to see. I too prefer real plants although I quite like the less traditional cream coloured flowering variety :-D

  13. I gotta get out more. I had no idea there are now purple and blue poinsettias. I like the red best, but I'm now reconciled to the idea that there are pink ones and white ones as well. I remember when there was ONLY red.

  14. The blues ones are very interesting. I wonder how they do that. I don't want the glitter on mine I just can't imagine that is good for the plant. I would get the blue if I had a winter blue theme christmas. This year I have red and silver. My first christmas with my husband for us to make our own. So we are starting traditional.


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