
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cardinal and the Full Moon

The bird feeders were empty today and I hadn't planned on filling them because of the starling and sparrow traffic. However, I looked out and saw this female cardinal patiently sitting by the feeder and changed my mind.

This afternoon we had the most beautiful clear blue sky which was the perfect backdrop for the spectacular full moon.


  1. That is a good picture of the family Cardinal. We don’t see any Cardinals around here any more, they are so beautiful specially the males

  2. Amazing Cardinal photos and these are much better than the starling!

  3. I'm with you, Robin. When I thought of shutting down my feeders because of gangster birds, I look at the nice birds, and serve them whatever they desire. I have at least twenty pairs of Cardinals, and the females are my favorites.

    You really do take fantastic photos.

  4. Beautiful photo of a beautiful bird!

  5. Wonderful moon shot, Layanee. I missed it this month! I may go take a peek right now to see if the clouds have broken.

    Oh, I just consulted the almanac, and the official full moon is on the 22nd. I still have a chance, though the forecast is for clouds all week.

  6. How wonderful to have both the cardinal and bly sky! Our winter skies continue to be grey no sun and I never get the cardinals.sigh NG

  7. OOOoooo Robin what a gorgeous picture of the moon. I just love the female cardinal. It is often overlooked with the male being so flashy. I think the female is one of the most beautiful birds we get around here. Not gawdy like her mate but so elegant.

  8. What gorgeous photos of the female cardinal.

  9. I think the female cardinal is so pretty. As pretty as the red males. And what a great picture of the moon, too!

  10. No full moon here tonight, Robin - it's too cloudy. That's a more confident female cardinal than the ones I see hiding here in the shrubbery. Lucky you to get such a good photo!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  11. Great cardinal pictures. You really show the ruffling of her feathers. Thank you for feeding her.

  12. Thank you all for your kind comments.
    I appreciate all of you for visiting and for taking the time to leave your thoughts on my pictures.

  13. Isn't she lov-er-ly!? Patiently waiting :)
    You got some great shots of her. I saw a Cardinal pair at our feeders on Tuesday, but they don't show up as often as I'd like.
    Wonderful shot of the moon. I've been enjoying the bright nights of the full moon. Snow in the moonlight makes an ethereal scene.

  14. Wasn't the full moon just awesome this month? Beautiful photos as always, your bird photos are outstanding.


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