
Tuesday, January 1, 2008


We went home to Alabama to spend time with family and friends over the holiday break, arriving back in Indy last night.

Aside from visiting with family and friends, we were really looking forward to heading south to get break from our winter weather. It's funny though, they've had a serious drought for quite a few months in the south, but it rained just about the whole time we were there. My parents were happy to be getting rain, however, my hubby and son, who put the cargo carrier on top of the SUV just so they could take their golf clubs, were less than thrilled. It wasn't a total bust though, since they were able to get in their one and only game of golf on Saturday morning before our family get together. It also dried up enough for me to plant the spring bulbs that I brought for my mother.

Our welcome back to Indiana wasn't very nice either. We had rain and high winds last night and woke this morning to a dusting of snow that has continued throughout the day, and brrr is it ever cold, with wind chills in the single digits.

It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Thank you to all who have visited Robin's Nesting Place and especially to those who have taken the time to leave comments.
I hope that 2008 will be a year of peace, health, prosperity, personal growth, and blessings for each of you.


  1. I am relieved to read that you were down home having a good time and not ill through out the holiday. I missed your posts. Welcome home and Happy New Year!!

  2. Happy New Year to you, too, Robin. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit. I'm looking forward to what the new year brings to your 'nesting place'!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family! It has been a pleasure visiting your site and I hope 2008 is just a great of a year!

  4. Glad to hear your back safe and sound. We are planning a trip to Nashville next week, I sure hope the weather is better there.

  5. Robin,

    Same thing happened here. During our drought, my brother and family came from MD to visit on Friday and it rained, non-stop, for the length of their stay.

    Now we have sub-freezing wind. After all, it's winter :o)

    Glad you are back!

    Happy New Year to you. I look forward to knowing you better.


  6. Welcome back, Robin, and happy New Year to you too!

  7. Happy New Year Robin! And keep the bird photos coming - they´re really great.

  8. Welcome home Robin and a very happy and healthy 2008 to you and yours. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit regardless of the weather. ;-)

    Happy blogging in the New Year!

  9. Happy New Year from Brittany in France - it's just SO cold here right now - here's to 2008 being a good one!

  10. One Alabama gal to another : HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Glad you had a wonderful visit with your family.

    Hope 2008 will be a great year for your garden and garden blog.

  11. Glad you all had a nice visit with family Robin. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  12. Happy New Year! Maybe you should travel to all the drought-stricken areas. :^D Welcome back to winter.

  13. Thank you all for your sweet comments, for taking the time to visit me at Robin's Nesting Place and for the well wishes for 2008.

  14. Happy New Year, Robin!

    I'm looking forward to dropping in on another Robin in 2008!

    --Robin (Bumblebee)

  15. Happy New Year to you, Robin! I'm glad you were able to spend the holidays with your family.

    Stay warm!

  16. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to more of your great bird photos.

    Happy New Year,


Thank you for stopping by! I love receiving your comments and appreciate each one.