
Friday, February 22, 2008

Bird Brained Part 2

Here is part two of my bird post. I thought I'd show Lilly doing her Elvis lip curl first!

All winter I've had one cardinal couple that comes regularly to my feeders. Today I saw another male cardinal! The bright red against the snow is quite beautiful. One of the males lingered around until dark and it was a joy watching the flashes of red in my neighbors shrubs while I was busy in the kitchen.

Mary, once posted that she had twenty pairs of cardinals, they looked like red berries on her tree. I can't imagine having that many in my yard; I would be so thrilled.

I usually see the hawk fly through the backyard at least once everyday, it usually perches in the tree for a while and then flies away empty handed. One other time when we had several inches of snow I saw a Cooper swoop by my feeder and catch a bird. Some unfortunate bird met its demise today. It was probably a starling since the feathers looked short and black. And there were a lot of feathers!

I've also had a downy woodpecker couple that have been faithful visitors to my feeders all winter.

It's funny, I never really thought the females were that pretty until I started photographing them. They really are gorgeous birds.

While I was outside, (without a coat), trying to get pictures of the hawk, I heard the goldfinch in the tree above my head. I haven't seen them lately. In the beginning of the winter I had quite a few of them, one even came to the window during a snowstorm to drink water from the window.

A house finch on the frozen birdbath.

Several people have mentioned that they don't see as many house sparrows where they live. They are still plentiful here...

as are the starlings.

It will be very interesting to see how many of my seeds actually germinate. When spring comes I'm going to have so much to plant...I hope!


  1. It was so nice to stroll around the yard with you. I kept a keen ear to all you said cause it was so heartfelt. It is good to love your home, family, and life---isn't it? I could hear your gratefullness in your ponderings. I love the Elvis curl.

  2. The cardinals are stupendous. I wish we had them here.

  3. Love your birds and the elvis lip curl! We have tons of white throated sparrows here, many cardinals and finches. I love the little downey woodpeckers too. The snow makes all the colors pop, even the browns. Thanks for part two, feel free to keep going with parts, 3,4,5,...

    Frances at Faire Garden

  4. Beautiful pictures. I have one or two cardinals at my feeder, but not as many as you and others, like Mary (Mary's View). And they don't come that often.

    But while the snow is pretty, I'm certainly ready for spring!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  5. I don't get that many cardinals either, and yours are beautiful Robin. Great photo of the Coop too! (Glad it was a starling.) ;c)

  6. I enjoyed this post. I have all the same birds here in my yard - even a Cooper's Hawk, occasionally. Your photos are just delightful!

  7. all the pretty bird pictures fit right in with the name of your blog. i too have a few goldens. love the dog picture best!

  8. Very nice bird photos! The red of the cardinals really stands out against your snow!

  9. What a lovely post, gorgeous dog. Your bird photography is wonderful, I love the cardinals and have seen them many times on other blogs. It is good to hear that you have plenty of sparrows and starlings. In England the numbers are going down dramatically, and the RSPB are doing all they can to find out why.
    Great blog, I will be back.

  10. What a gorgeous post!

    I particularly enjoyed the cardinal photo, have only seen one in reality, many years ago. Seemed the little guy had lost his way, he was in the snow on the Canadian Prairies. But he took flight and was on his way again.

    Great blog,glad I stopped in via EFG.

  11. Such great photos of the birds. You're a wonderful photographer!

  12. Part 2 is just as great as Part 1 was! Your photos are stunning and I also love your cardinal shots! Those reds are brilliant!

  13. Love that shot of Lily!

    Thanks for showing us your yard. I can tell your birds are well cared for...

    Great woodpecker photos! I've been having trouble getting them to sit for me. House Sparrows? I'm seeing more of them every day. The Starlings are fewer now, at least.

    I'd love to send you some Cardinals - I have so many...

  14. I used to call that dog face the "puffy face look." How I miss my dogs & their quirky moods. Thanks for the smile.

  15. Lily is just precious. The Elvis curl is so right.

    Your birdies are lovely too.

    How is your post-fire remodel going? I hope you don't still have a cough.

  16. What wonderful, wonderful birds! How fun (and do you think you are seeing more hawks this year? We have been, or so have a number of people said, along coastal South Carolina.

    And while the birds are indeed wonderful, that lip curl is spectacular!


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