
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Growing Impatiens for Spring

Thank you all for your kind comments on yesterday's post concerning our frightening little episode. I am pretty sore today after singlehandedly pulling the range around the kitchen after it caught fire yesterday, our island is a very heavy piece of furniture and I moved it too. I must have breathed in a considerable amount of smoke and the fumes from the fire extinguisher because I coughed all night, which is another reason for the soreness. Thankfully that has pretty much subsided.

Today was a major cleaning day in the kitchen. How in the world does all that junk and gunk get behind and underneath appliances? YUCK! We've decide to get a new floor put down before we get another range. This home was a builder spec, so we had no choices in the building process. They put in the cheapest WHITE vinyl flooring and I have hated it with a passion. A golden retriever and a gardener do not need a white kitchen floor, really, who does? They're coming tomorrow to measure for the new floor and I've been clearing the pantry and laundry room floors and scrubbing the smoky dust off everything. I had been spending way too much time on Blotanical and things were quite dusty. :)

While working I kept reminding myself that I needed to take care of the impatiens today. I had great germination success with both the purchased seeds and the ones I collected and saved. They already had the second set of leaves and were getting very crowded in their little peat pots. They had to be thinned.

This is the hardest part of the whole growing process for me. I hate to thin plants and then throw perfectly good little plants away. I have a tendency to put off this painful process at the peril of all the seedlings. I attempt to spare as many plants as possible while thinning. Last year the impatiens that were transplanted didn't fare as well as those that stayed undisturbed in the peat pots. I still have to try though.

I soaked the containers, that were saved from plants I purchased last year, in a bleach and water solution to make sure they were disease and pest free. I then filled them with a sterile seed starting mix and transplanted the impatiens with the most roots attached. I had a perfect sized box that I put into a trash bag to make it water proof. It isn't pretty but it's economical. Hopefully, these little transplants will do better than last years. I still had to throw away so many though. I wonder if I'll ever get used to that.

I am growing impatient for spring.


  1. A fire in your range. That must have been a scary experience! You were lucky you hadn't left the house yet.

    Beautiful photos -today and yesterday.

  2. What better way to clease your mind, along with your kitchen, than to have fun with your seedlings. They look so healthy, you will have a wonderful batch to plant outside when the time comes, it really will come.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  3. What fun after your mini disaster. A new floor and range will be nice to have. Just think you are getting your spring cleaning done before you must be out in the garden planting all your impatients. :) I hope you have no ill effects from the smoke and extinguisher chemicals. Take care.

  4. Aren't they cute!? I'm sorry about the mess in your kitchen--just glad you weren't hurt and there wasn't more damage. And that collage in the previous post is gorgeous. Blogger is letting me post comments this morning so I'm not pushing my luck and trying to comment after two different posts...:-)

  5. What beautiful little seedlings! I'm the same as you - I hate to thin!

  6. Oh, Robin. Fire scares me so much - my Dad is a retired Baltimore City Firefighter so I have caution.

    I'm so glad you were able to use the extinguisher! At least you'll get a new floor and range out of it :o)

  7. Aw, your seedlings are so cute!

    I'm anxiously awaiting some seedlings of my own--cherry tomatoes and jalapeƱo peppers.

  8. THERE's an idea for color. Yours are so cute - I can't wait to see them all "growed up" and in their proper place in the yard!

  9. Robin, first of all, I am so happy you, your family and your house are ok. Secondly, I just came back from Home Depot with peat pellets and seeds and your photos have me totally energized!

  10. Your seedlings look great. I'm growing impatiens from seed for the first time. I always thought they'd be more challenging, but they're going so well! I too hate pulling out perfectly good seedlings. I germinate everything in 3 inch pots and then prick out seedlings into other pots, so maybe I waste less overall, which makes me feel less ghoulish!

  11. I hate to thin too! Sometimes, I try to pot the ones that I have thinned, and then I end up with way to many plants!

  12. So glad you are better today. I'm with you too--I hate to throw out a good plant. I try and find room for all my babies. Your youngins look healthy!!

  13. Cute - Impatiens for Spring! Glad you're getting a new floor. That will be fun. Your seedlings are just beautiful - so perfect with their little leaves pretty maids all lined up in row! My seedlings are PITIFUL! I will watch yours for lessons and inspiration.

  14. Robin, I'm so glad you are okay. What a horrible experience. Your seedlings have inspired me!

  15. By the way, your little seedlings are sweet. When I lived in Maryland, I lined the entire front of my house with impatiens - on the north side. They were spectacular!

  16. Such cute baby impatients you have! Shouldn't be to long before you start planting them!

  17. Robin,
    Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and offer your words of encouragement. We need that right now, I almost feel selfish grieving over our garden when so many have lost so much. We just really put our heart into it this past year and were really looking forward to seeing fruition this spring and summer. Thank you again and please don’t be a stranger to our site we look forward to hearing from you. -Randy

  18. Dear Robin,
    Your seedlings are delightful!
    Seeing the new growth is cheerful.
    Glad you took some time to be with them. The kitchen will look so pretty after a new floor and range.
    Lots of work for you. Playing in the dirt is a nice way to relax. It is always difficult to thin.
    Glad your saved seed germinated too. I really enjoy seed to seed gardening.

  19. You take great pictures!! I was in my yard today actually cleaning a palm tree so I could hang a stag horn on it when I ended up looking along my fence and there was this plant with beautiful flowers on it. Well it was the same plant you have listed in this post with the purple flower. I did not plant it or do anything it must have been brought over by a bird or some animal or something. I was not sure what it was until now, thank you very much!!

  20. Sorry wanted to let you know who I was! Love your web sight!! You can use a heating pad for warmth on the bottom tray


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