
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Garden Blogger Bloom Day, March 2008

This will be a very quick GBBD post because not much is blooming around Robin's Nesting Place in March. Inside the house I have four gerbera daisies in bloom that have been overwintered, two yellows, a red and a pink.

Outside nothing has bloomed yet, however this crocus will open up very soon.

Since I don't have pretty flower pictures to show, I'll show the cardinal pictures I took yesterday. This little fellow flew right up to the patio while I was preparing my lunch, of course I forgot all about lunch and grabbed my camera.

This was a very special treat to sit and watch the shy male cardinal, that has pretty much eluded me all winter, this close to the house.

I've already enjoyed looking at many of the lovely Garden Blogger Bloom Day posts from the gardens to the south of me. Spring is definitely in the air. Thanks to Carol, from May dreams Gardens for hosting this fun monthly event.


  1. Robin, Spring is catching up to your area. Love purple crocus. Mine aren't blooming yet.

    I just can't get over how well your gerber daisies do through winter at your house. What is your secret?? They are gorgeous.

    Your Cardinal is a handsome brute. He will get used to you this summer when you are outside more. Good pictures of him.

  2. I love your cardinal photos Robin, great shots.

  3. Robin,

    Your photographs are always lovely. One day I hope to grow up and take close ups of flowers like you;) Seriously!


  4. One little crocus? Well, you made up for it with those beautiful bird pictures!

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  5. Do you think that Cardinal knew that the chair set off his plumage? Any day now all your Crocus will be in bloom. It's that time of year when things not only sprout overnight, but also seem to change just during the day.

  6. Robin, That purple crocus is going to be a beauty. What a rich color!
    And Gerbera daisies indoors... that is an accomplishment. How often I am distracted by the birds visiting and my attempts to get close enough for a good photo. Great shots of the handsome cardinal. You'd think they'd realize how nicely their bright red plumage photographs and then sit still a little better for us...

    Meems @ HoeandShovel

  7. Beautiful photos today! I Have posted flowers in my garden today!

  8. WOW. Great Cardinal picture. I wish there were birds here. I don't know where they all are.... Probably somewhere warmer!

  9. Who needs flowers when a bright red cardinal comes to grace the patio! His color rivals any red blossom I've seen.

  10. Dear Robin,
    Your cardinal looks as if he was dipped in red dye he is so bright!
    The birds make up for no blooms in the winter for me too.

  11. Hey Robin,

    That's our Illinois state bird - the Cardinal. Such a beauty isn't it? I was so intrigued while down in Florida when I noticed that a male Cardinal was attached to mirror of a car and was mesmirized by his image. He kept jumping back and forth to see the gorgeous bird in the mirror !

  12. Robin, spring will arrive suddenly. Within a week, we are delighted. So, have patience and keep admiring that bright red cardinal. I don't have much blooming, either.

    Those Cardinals are very bright this year, don't you think?

  13. Robin, this is the year for Cardinals. This morning my daughter was stumbling down the stairs (morning blahs/teen age girl) and suddenly I heard her say "Wow"! When I asked her what was up, she told me she saw the most amazing red bird flash by the window. If they can grab the attention of a sleepy teenager, they can grab anybody!

  14. My goodness, what a lovely bright red that cardinal is!

  15. Robin, your gerbera photo is stunning. And how lucky to have such a brave little cardinal. Glad you had nice enough weather to sit outside, we all need to be outside as much as possible. Great photos as always.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  16. How lovely that he joined you for lunch Robin! Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.

  17. For me, this red cardinal equals a blooming flower!

  18. Cardinals are my favorite bird! Beautiful pics.

  19. That gerbera closeup is stunning, Robin! And good for you to have found that crocus. It deserves to be celebrated, and now it's been internationally admired.

  20. Gerber daisies are my favorite. I try to get several for my outdoor pots each year, but I've never wintered them over. I'm pretty much a failure at house plants! Just ask Carol.

    I noticed on your profile you love Pilgrim's Progress...I do too. I have several children's versions that are so awesome with many beautiful pictures. It's something I try to read to my kids each summer. We spread a blanket out by the garden and read for hours.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Sherry at the Zoo

  21. Amazing photos and I have been seeing the Bloom Day post all day today! I am with you . . . nothing blooming yet!

  22. How many times a day do you go out and look at the beautiful crocus? It's going to be lovely! We hear that you have lots of rain and MUD in IN -- I hope the sun comes out for you soon!

  23. If I was single--he'd get my attention!! My new computer makes that cardinal look too good for any female. It must be a good year for color cause the ones down here in NC are strutting their stuff too. Or.. there are lots of other males in the area and they are spending extra money on their appearance this year?? There must have been a sale on deep red.

  24. Lovely cardinal. We have 3 pairs that are quite cheeky. The males do like to boss their mates. Keep us posted as spring turns up the heat in your garden.

  25. The gerbera is wonderful up close! I'll bet you're enjoying that crocus today if you have the same bright sunshine that we do.
    The cardinal photos are spectacular Robin. He's glorious! How sweet of him to pop in for a visit :) They're like a breath of fresh air, aren't they?

  26. I love your bulbs are all bursting through the soil too. I was particularly taken with the cardinal, I have a pair that come almost daily to my feeder. I had a mother cardinal bring her fledglings to my feeder, and watched them grow last summer. The male is one of those little ones, and he is handsome and sassy! Claudia of Weeds and Seeds Swap

  27. I just don't know if we have any prettier bird than the cardinal here. I could look at pictures of them all day long. Thanks for posting such beautiful photos, Robin!

  28. I can relate to late springs after Maine. Absolutely love the cardinal photos! I miss not seeing them this year in England.

  29. Hooray for the first crocus in your garden!!! How nice that your Gerbera's are still going strong. Love that bright red flying cardinal flower in your last few pics. ;-)


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