
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rock Water Features, All the Rage

Water features have been popular for a while at garden shows, but this year rock water features are all the rage at the Indiana Flower and Patio Show. Annie in Austin, thrilled us a few weeks ago with a post on her new rock fountain. Either Annie is a trend setter or this is just beginning to catch on here in Indiana.

There were some lovely stone fountains, large and small. I really like the natural look of the rock in the gardens.

I imagine that the birds would enjoy a trickling rock fountain.

This one kind of looks like a drinking fountain, but I bet it makes a great birdbath.

So, who wants one of these in their garden now?


  1. Yes I saw these. Yes I want one. Annie planted the seed and the F&P Show fertilized the idea and now you are really cultivating it..

  2. I should have gone to the show! Next year! I really enjoyed Annie's post and now these. Especially the one that looks rocks stacked on top of each other. Great post.

  3. I've seen a number of rock water features in Austin over the past couple of years. They are definitely enticing, as Annie illustrated so well.

    Those millstone fountains have been around forever, but they still look nice. I also really love the more contemporary cinderblock water fountain, sort of like the one you show here with a cap on it.

  4. I do! very inspiring post!
    /Katarina at Roses and stuff

  5. I want that one that looks like a table. The sound of water puts me at peace. I have it on my to do list but it's way at the bottom after greenhouse and more horse manure--lol.

  6. I think I have to run and tinkle....

    OK, I'm back. ;c)

    Beautiful water features for sure!

  7. Count me in, we have always wanted one of those drinking fountain types that look like they are just standing there, no pond. The millstone does look like a good creature thirst quencher. Great shots, it looks like you had so much fun at the show.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  8. Me! The sixth one from the bottom!

    Great pictures Robin. I love water features. Thanks for sharing! -Jen :)

  9. Any one of those would look so good in my woodland garden! I've been wanting one for years - maybe this year?

  10. I've been wanting a rock-based water feature for some time now. I'd like for it to appear natural, like a spring emerging from one rock and trickling down two or three others, before returning to the below-ground reservoir. Alas, it's not at the top of my list of priorities this year - maybe next year!

  11. Any of the last, is there room on bus for me to join you when we go pick up our water features;0)


  12. Nice pictures from the garden show, Robin. Loved all the blooms and flowering trees. You are definitely getting us in the mood for spring.

  13. Oh lord these are SAAWEEEET!! I'm getting one this year--won't tell my wife how much it cost. I can't stand it any longer. I'm leaving right now. Bye.

  14. Beautiful and interesting post!

  15. Maybe the Verbena struggles and survives in you zone just for you. It knows how much you appreciate its beauty and eagerly await its return.:-)

  16. Thanks for putting 'trend setter" and my name in the same sentence, Robin - a very unlikely pairing!

    I don't think they're new here, but it's probably easier for people to have them where the ground and water don't freeze.

    The millstone fountains are very interesting - bet you're right and the birds like them a lot.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose


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