
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tracking Flights and Icy Limbs

We had beautiful blue skies today and warmer temperatures that caused winter to loosen its icy grip on the plants.
Our trees here at Robin's Nesting Place are pretty young and agile, so thankfully we didn't have limb damage from the ice storm.

Did you notice the buds encased in the ice.? I didn't notice the birch or maple buds until I downloaded the pictures from the computer. Spring is almost here!

FlightAware Flight Tracker Map: BTA2076

I discovered this website, Flight Aware, several weeks ago and have been keeping track of my husband's many recent flights. This was his flight in to Indianapolis tonight. He has landed and is on his way home now! Isn't this technology amazing?


  1. The sky looks amazing in these photos. And sometimes..I noticed that things are magnified under all that ice. I noticed it when I took some photos last summer. I see it in your pics too. You shouldn't have shown me that flight tracking gizmo. My youngest will be a pilot in about 2 years when he's done with college. I will be looking at that every day.

  2. Our trees are all budded now. It is so exciting to see things begin to look more spring-like.

  3. That makes such a pretty picture with the backdrop of the blue blue sky ! I am fascinated by pictures like that too !

  4. What incredible depth of color the sky has in your photos. Thanks.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  5. Buds under ice are very pretty, but they'll still be pretty when they turn into leaves and prove you have spring.

    Robin, I used a similar tracking site when my husband flew to Asia on business trips. It was sometimes helpful, but it would freak me out when some computer glitch announced there was no such plane in flight over the Pacific Ocean!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  6. Isn't it funny how even ice can be beautiful? I'm sure you're getting sick of it though. We don't get much of that sort of thing here in East Texas. Just cold flare ups.

  7. I love tree shots against blue skies,
    every season looks beautiful.


  8. What a beautiful blue sky!Even ice can be beautiful!

    I wish you a nice evening :)

  9. I remember the first time I tracked departing and arrival times on the net! Now there's more technology to make us wonder :o)

    For you, Robin, I wish the ice melts and the sun does its spring thing for you. Beautiful ice photos!

  10. Anna: It was an amazing color of blue. I hope your son has nerves of steel, travel delays in winter is the biggest hassle. Maybe it is different for pilots than for passengers.

    Lisa, more snow on the way, I hope those buds hold out a little longer.

    Gardenjoy4me: I love any picture with the blue sky as a backdrop.

    Frances: Thank YOU! Wasn't it a beautiful color of blue?

    Annie: I can't wait until they turn into leaves! I've gotten worried a few times already when it doesn't update properly. If it didn't show the plane at all, I would freak out too.

    Brenda: Oh, yes! I'm sick of it, and more snow is on the way too. I do try really hard though to find the beauty in it though.

    Gail: I love pictures of trees and flowers against the blue sky too.

    Marie: It was a beautiful blue, today was dull gray again. I hope you have had a good evening too.

    Mary: Thank you, I'm so ready for spring!

  11. I just love these photos and the colors are amazing! Those blues are stunning! Bravo work!

  12. You always find beauty, even in the lousy winter weather. We are expecting "the big storm" here later today and through tomorrow. Our temperatures are above freezing so we have flood warnings instead.

    To be honest I have my fingers crossed that the storm comes in late and cancels Sunday's St. Pat's parade. If not, temps are supposed to be just above freezing and so many of the children that are marching are going to be freezing cold.

  13. I see that the Ice Queen is slowly withdrawing from your garden Robin. It's high time she did. Spring is (patiently)waiting just around the corner!

    What fun to keep track of all the flights of your hubby. Do you think he was a bird in a previous life with all that flying about he's doing now? ;-)

    Thanks for your kind words about my illnes,Robin! Today I'm feeling much better!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. We hardly ever have ice storms, I know they can do a lot of damage but they do give you some great photo opportunities.

    Cheers Mark

  15. That's one of the reasons I like photography - you get a close view of details that you might have missed otherwise!
    /Katarina at Roses and stuff

  16. robin: thanks so much! i'm glad you finally stopped by. i'm always looking at your site. i am a flower and bird nut, and gardening is my life in the spring and summer. i am (im)patiently waiting for our cold weather here in VA to end! Now that I have a nice camera (and we ARE getting the 300!) I am so excited to take better close-ups of birds and other 'things' further away!!
    (By the way, when my husband was in the Army (20 yrs) we lived in Indianapolis near Ft. Benjamin Harrison. It was totally different than what I was used to also...but beautiful in it's own way. Very flat...lots of cornfields...but I remember taking a camping trip somewhere around there in the 'mountains'. Can't quite remember where, though...!


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