
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April Garden Blogger Bloom Day

My first Garden Blogger Bloom Day was April last year. I didn't have many blooms at all, but my creeping phlox was blooming then and it doesn't even have any buds as of yet for this year.

I have a lot of daffodils in bloom right now in both the front and back yards. Today was pretty windy so it was difficult to get pictures of them.

Here is another picture of the scilla, that has started spreading under the Japanese maple. I really don't remember planting this but I'm very glad it's here.

The tulips will soon be blooming. I've never fertilized them, so I imagine a few of the bulbs will be duds.

The maple and pear trees are in bloom, and the birds here at Robin's Nesting Place are like flying flowers as they are sporting their colorful mating plumage.

I still have a few crocuses in bloom as well as a few fading irises.

I have a few things blooming indoors too. The African violet opened up just in time for April's Bloom day post.

The impatiens are blooming and whether there is more frost to come or not they have to go outside soon. We start warming back up tomorrow and I may just put them out on the front porch and start the hardening off process.

The gerbera daisies have bloomed throughout the winter. This month the red and yellow gerberas are blooming. I can't believe they lived through the winter. I'm very ready for them to go outside too. I'm ready to trade this indoor gardening for the more satisfying outdoor gardening.
I have ordered 3 cu yds of compost rich topsoil and it will be arriving in the morning. I'm feeling a little better today and hoping by tomorrow the headache and eye discomfort will be completely gone. I'm not sure that I will feel up to heavy labor but I plan to spend my day outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather. I look forward to stopping by Carol's May Dreams Garden Blog and seeing what everyone else has in bloom for April.


  1. Nice spring photos. It looks like the Impatiant is getting impatiant to get its feet into the spring garden. Here it is more commonly called Bizzy Lizzy. The African Violet looks lovely and healthy. I have never been really successful growing them, I always ended up planting them into the garden and consequently they would dissapear.

  2. Hi Robin, hope you do feel better, blooming flowers need a pain free head to better shower them with love. Your pics of the birds are like flowers, they are the best. I have never grown the scilla, but love the color, and under the maple is a good place for them. You have some of the prettiest gerberas I have ever seen. Happy bloom day birthday!

  3. The color is spectacular Robin. Hope your head feels significantly better today. :c)

  4. Beautiful bulbs, Robin, and lovely "feathered flowers" too. Congratulations on completing a full year of Bloom Day!

  5. Hi Robin, Darn those spring allergies. I bet it is the tree pollen from the maples. It always throws me for a loop too.

    Your blooms are gorgeous. I just can't get over how your gerbers have bloomed all through winter. You must have perfect conditions for them inside.

  6. Hope you feel better. Spring is definitely heading our way this week. Not much showing in my garden yet except for a few daffs and the scilla.

    Thanks for sharing your April garden.

  7. Hi Robin - I was searching for information on dogwoods today and came across your site. I just purchased a cornus kousa dogwood and am trying to figure out where to plant it. What type of sun does yours receive? Also, the pictures on your site are beautiful! Could you tell me what kind of camera you use? I'm looking for a new one and if I can get one that takes pictures like that, I'd be thrilled. I too am from central Indiana, Westfield, to be exact. Thanks in advance for your reply and take care!

  8. Our daffodils are gone already. Your scilla is beautiful---so blue! Enjoy those pretty birds.

  9. Pam's daffs are gone, mine are an inch tall--so yours are much appreciated. Glad you're feeling better, Robin, and hope the warmer days continue to work their magic on you.

  10. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing with those of us who are still flowerless.

  11. Lovely photos today. Always a pleasure to visit. Hope you're feeling better.

  12. Robin, The daffs are wonderful, as is the scilia. So Blue! I think you deserve an award for wintering gerberas. I can't even get them to re-bloom outside.

  13. Really nice photos...spring is certainly arriving in your garden! That's a great finch photo...I just can't seem to get birds to sit still long enough for me to get a shot like that!

  14. You are always up even when you are down--hugs to you cause I understand the allergy and sinus pain. All your spring flowers look awesome. I'm sick of this ho hum tease of Spring too---I want to get out there and go at it. Haven't gotten over to see if you tried cinnamon yet for the gnats.

    We've got pollen here so bad that I'm on Zyrtec, Claritan, and Chlortrimeton at the same time. My nose is still running. I'm thinking of walking around with nose plugs. It's so graceful.

  15. Hi Robin, I just love the photo of the birds on the shepherds hook!

  16. How exciting to be getting some nice rich topsoil delivered. Put your son to work! Your blooms look about like mine, so perhaps your garden is catching up with me. It has been a sloooowww spring.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  17. Magically appearing unplanted scilla and 3 loads of compost soil - sounds like things are pretty good in your garden life, Robin!
    Happy Blooming Day!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  18. Trudi, thank you. I'm getting impatient to get those impatiens outside, for sure. I've heard them called Bizzy Lizzy.

    Frances, I had no headache today and worked in the yard just about all day.Thank you for your kind praises.

    Jayne, thank you. I had no headache today.

    Nan, thank you. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year of GBBD posts.

    Lisa, I don't know what has kept the gerberas blooming but I'm so glad they did. The headaches could be allergy related, but the blood pressure has been up, they feel more like stress headaches, and my face has been so flushed.

    Thanks, Nancy.

    Carolyn Gail, after a very cold night today was gorgeous!

    Welcome, anonymous! I'm so glad you stopped by. My m-i-l is in a nursing home in Westfield. I purchased the Kousa last year, I looked at it today and I'm not 100% sure if it is healthy. I have it on the front side of the house that gets the late afternoon sun.Regarding the camera- I use the Sony Alpha 100. You can get them pretty inexpensive (for DSLR), right now. I've greatly enjoyed mine.

    Pam, I'm so glad that we have things blooming at different times. I'm really enjoying your summer-like blooms.

    Jodi, yours will be blooming soon. I loved the warm weather today. It was great to be outside all day.

    Cinj, Your very welcome.

    Thank you, the gardeness. I do feel better today.

    Beckie, they have bloomed like crazy all winter. I just basically had them under grow lights and kept them watered.

    Leslie, I couldn't believe I caught the two of them together like that.

    Anna, I haven't tried the cinnamon yet. I'll try to remember to sprinkle some tomorrow. The buggers are getting big now. I'm sorry your sinuses are giving you trouble. My mom has been complaining about the thick layer of pollen at her house.

    Thanks, Melanie.

    Hope you were able to get outside today, Carol. It was a gorgeous day!

    Annie, I always have to get dirt before I can plant. They scraped away all of the top soil, so I do raised beds. I had to make new beds for all those plants I'm growing!

  19. What a vast improvement on your first post for GBBD, Robin. Love those pretty surprise scilla's of yours. Happy GBBD!

  20. beautiful birds and blooms Robin. I hope you continue to feel better!

  21. I wish we could grow tulips down here in Austin. I can see I'm going to spend the next month watching them unfurl across the northern US and Canada. Take a lot of photos when they open.

    The scilla is intriguing. I love blue flowers.

  22. Your blooms are gorgeous! Isn't it wonderful to have spring bulbs, and other beauties blooming? Your bird photos are truly beautiful Robin.
    I hope you feel better today. We have bright sunshine and 70ยบ. Hope it's lovely in your neck of the woods too.
    I'm smiling about Trudi calling the Impatiens 'Busy Lizzies'. My mum called them that too, and grew loads of them in Australia. She'd pull them out of places they shouldn't be because they'd spread everywhere! Here we cherish every one!

  23. I hope you have no more headaches for a while. You belong out in the garden. What wonderful photos. My garden only has snowdrops so far, but my most ancient variety of daffodils is up!
    My GBBD posting is up at

  24. So beautiful Robin! I love your photography! I especially love the shot of the two little birds on the plant hanger.

  25. How do you get those wonderful bird photos? I enjoyed your flowers.~~Dee

  26. I enjoyed the blooms and the birds especially in your more recent post. I also see you have a golden. Ours does more harm in our garden than good, but we love her anyway. Happy spring and hope you are feeling better.

  27. Lovely post! Beautiful flowers!


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