
Monday, April 7, 2008

Goldfinch Delight

I was sitting outside today, on the ground, taking pictures of flowers when several goldfinches made their way to the feeder. I had so much fun taking picture after picture of these delightful creatures.

The maple tree had red buds and the gorgeous blue sky was a perfect backdrop for the finches. After so many dreary and gloomy days it was wonderful to see all of this color. It was almost sensory overload.

The bluebird came back and chased away the house sparrow, but neither have started building a nest yet. Several people suggested that I get another nesting box, I'll have to try that and see if it works. Thank you!

The ducks have become faithful visitors and show up everyday to eat sunflower seeds. While I was sitting at the computer today I glanced out the window and saw a cat creeping across the yard. I knew my duck visitor was in the yard because I had just taken some pictures of her eating. I flew down the stairs and ran outside to chase it away. Thankfully, the duck got away.

A robin in my neighbors birdbath.

Today was a beautiful day with temperatures in the mid-sixties. I have flowers blooming and it finally feels like spring. I'll show my blooms later.


  1. Oh what pretty pictures of the goldfinch! We had bunches of them in the trees and at the feeders today, too. I didn't even attempt a photo because I was intent on other pursuits, but I loved seeing them and hearing them sing!

    Ohhhhh, a bluebird! We had one show up here last year one day, but we never saw it again. :-( We got a bluebird house, but it didn't make a nest in it. Maybe this year!

    Wasn't today just gorgeous??

  2. Beautiful Goldfinch shots Robin! They are so lovely all dressed out in their bright yellow now. :c) I'd just let the bluebird and sparrow duke it out. Keep pulling out any sparrow nesting material and he'll eventually get discouraged and go away.

  3. Oh those beautiful Goldfinches. I just love seeing them. They are almost in their summer finery here too. I just love seeing them hopiing around the feeders.

    You are so lucky to have a bluebird even considering your bluebird house. Lucky lucky girl.

    Your blogs namesake is building a nest in our apple tree. Much spingtime business in the garden now.

  4. Great pictures, Robin. Wasn't it wonderful to sit on the ground to take the pictures. I spent the better part of the day outside too. Hope that bluebbird stays!

  5. Very nice pictures! I need to get our finch feeder cleaned up and reloaded so they can visit our restaurant. I've been neglectful of the finches lately!

  6. I finally have blooms as well - can hardly wait for this month's garden bloggers bloom day! :) The birds that visit your yard are so pretty - we seem is only attract grackles. :(

  7. Kylee, it was an absolutely gorgeous day! I love bluebirds and I hope they choose to nest here, that would be so delightful.

    Jayne, thank you. They are still molting but almost in their summer finery. I was glad to see the bluebird chase away the sparrow. Hopefully he will win!

    Lisa, I love seeing them too. I had robin's nesting last year, I hope they nest close by again.

    Beckie, it was a little wet sitting on the ground, but I didn't care. It just felt so wonderful to be outside on such a glorious spring day. I hope the bluebird stays too.

    Thank you, Garden Girl

    Dave, yes, do get you finch feeders ready. Finches are like flying flowers to me. So bright and colorful.

    SuzyQ, I have my share of common birds too, so many sparrows and starlings. My bird population is just beginning to grow, because I am in a newer neighborhood, the trees are just now getting larger. My mantra is, "If you feed them they will come". Of course shelter and water helps bring them in too.

  8. Hi Robin, what lovely photos! The goldfinch are favorites of mine, I haven't noticed any around lately but I bet they are here too.

  9. What beautiful pictures! Isn't wonderful that we are finally getting some sunshine. We should have an abundant amount of blooms this week.

  10. Your photos are as always stunning. The blue yellow finch against the blue sky and the blue bird, wow...the colors are vibrant.


  11. I love the goldfinches. I love bluebirds too but I never see any in my garden, probably because I live in town. I know they like wide open areas and the countryside.

  12. the Bluebird is SO vibrant in comparison to the leafless trees.
    Love your photos.

  13. The goldfinch is such a beautiful bird and with the blue sky as a back drop, it is stunning, great work!

  14. I was reading about your house sparrow comment, they are real danger to your blue birds and while putting up another house sounds like a good idea it dosn't usually stop the house sparrow from being territorial and killing the young baby bluebirs or eggs or if they can trap them in the nest box they will always kill the parents,the bluebird is no match for the stronger beak of the house sparrow, go to to get lots of great info on how to protect your bluebirds.good luck also you can put a "spooker "that will scare the house sparrow from the box but only after the fisrt egg is layed in the box by bluebird.more info on that web site.


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