
Friday, May 30, 2008

Fabulous Poppy

The poppies that I winter sowed are beginning to open. I have never grown poppies before, and even though I'm not usually fond of orange red colors, this little flower is fabulous! It is kind of like a crinkly crepe paper. The wind was blowing so hard while I was trying to take the pictures, so I stuck the container in a green bucket that was nearby, which is why it has the green background color. I was almost late for work because I had a hard time tearing myself away from the peonies and poppy. I'll have to post the peony pictures tomorrow because we are in the midst of a thunderstorm.


  1. Lovely photo! I don't know why but I've never been able to grow poppies. Itry every year but they just won't germinate for me. What, I wonder, am I doing wrong?

  2. Is this an Iceland poppy, or an Oriental poppy? It is satisfying to grow something new, isn't it?

  3. How fun to see something you planted as seed bloom so beautifully Robin.

  4. Lovely poppy, Robin. I'm not a big fan of orange either, but I have to admit I am becoming a fan of the poppies.
    Your pictures of the butterfly exhibit are gorgeous! I didn't know about this place, but I'll have to stop there sometime when I am in Indy.

  5. Sue, these aren't the healthiest looking plants, but the small blooms are beautiful. These were left on my patio in a gallon milk jug all winter, (look up "winter sowing" to see how it's done). I need to get them planted in the yard.

    Muum, the seed package say English poppies. Mine looks nothing like the picture on the package.

    Jayne, it is fun to see something bloom from a tiny seed. It's very rewarding.

    Rose, I'm becoming a fan of poppies too. The butterfly exhibit and White River Gardens is definitely worth the time.

  6. That green bucket, like the painted walls I just posted about, is the perfect backdrop for that poppy. What a serendipitous photo.

    I enjoyed your zoo pics too. Robin, you NEED to go on a safari. You'd love it, and your photos would be incredible, I'm sure.

  7. Did you winter sow that poppy this year?! If so, I'm hella jealous; my poppies still look like tiny, tiny seedlings. They're not doing much...

  8. It really is fabulous...when you get close you see the detail. I love getting up close and personal with a flower...there is so much to see. I am on my way to read you Zoo post, I just caught a peek at the cutest little creature!

  9. I think you have much to be proud of. Poppies are notoriously hard to grow and from seed yet. The color of the bucket was a perfect backdrop. Good choice.

  10. You are making an even better proposition for winter sowing with the picture of the poppy. I must try this.

  11. GORGEOUS!! I will def. have to look into winter sowing some this year! I had some last year but they were teeeny tiny and quite measly, still pretty. But your's just take the cake!

  12. I'm not too keen on orange red either but this poppy is pretty. Love the white edging! Lovely pic, Robin, well done!

  13. Well--Ok, that's it then--you need to quit work if it's going to get in the way of these pictures. Your poppy is so delicate looking. You said it feels paper like and looks it too. That green background shows off the color nicely. It was a good lucky choice for your windy day.

  14. Wonderful photos. I love the poppy and the zoo pictures are great. Nice site.

  15. Wonderful photos. I love the poppy and the zoo pictures are great. Nice site.


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