
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rainy Day Pictures

Between the cool rainy weather, the lingering virus, my new job and neighborhood volunteer work, I've not had as much time outside this spring as I would like, nor have I had as much time or energy for blogging. I was able to get a little accomplished yesterday. Now that the perennials are getting larger, I needed to move some things around. I'm really glad for the cooler rainy day we had today, it was perfect weather for those stressed plants that were moved.

I finally got a few more container plantings finished. This one is on the front porch. (I really need to repaint these planters; that may be a project for this fall.) I used Anna's container soil recipe. Hopefully my containers will be healthier this year.

This container of superbells and trailing vinca is on the front porch railing.

I went out for a few minutes this evening, it has been raining off and on all day and was still sprinkling as I walked around with my camera. I love to take pictures in the early morning or evening after a rain.

The 'Raspberry Surprise' dianthus is blooming.

An allium bud.

The colors are so much richer when you take pictures on a cloudy day or in the evening.

Several clematis plants are blooming now. I didn't prune back the clematis on the mailbox last fall. It has more blooms, but it isn't as pretty this year.

I finally have foxglove! I grew these from seed last year and am finally seeing the results of the labor. Out of the hundreds of plants that germinated only three of the plants survived this long.

After the rain the robins have worms aplenty.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend.


  1. It seems like I never have enough time in the garden in the spring either. Even though you have been busy, your photos show that your garden must look good. The dianthus is esp. pretty.

    Always Growing

  2. I really like that dianthus Robin. I agree that plants look so good in the morning light or after a good rain.

    I hope you are able to rest and get your strength back this weekend.

  3. Hi, Robin, you are not alone in loving to shoot photos in a soft light. May you draw energy from your garden. Sounds like your plate is very full. Thanks for sharing what's blooming over there.

  4. I just love dianthus, don't you? So pretty and in so many colors. Love your planters, and can't wait to see them blooming and cascading all summer long. :c) Have a great weekend Robin.

  5. Lovely colors and great photos. Those Spring colds are the worst. Hope it goes away soon.

  6. I love putting in new plants and dividing old ones on cloudy days, just before a good rain. That dianthus is just gorgeous.

  7. sorry to hear your not feeling well, you really have a gift for photography I wanted to share a web site with you, it is it has lots of great info about bluebirds and how to protect them from house sparrows which will attack and kill them and their young.It also tells how to attract bluebirds, what type of plants to have on your garden attract birds etc.

  8. Love all the pictures! I especially love the dianthus picture. I have to add some more of those to my garden-thanks for reminding me!!

  9. I too love rainy, cloudy days! I love the light for photos as long as it does not get too dark!
    Surprise is stunning.
    There is always, "too much to do and not enough time to do it all." OH well I figure it will be here tomorrow! Your flowers are very pretty.
    Happy Memorial Day!

  10. Everything looks fantastic and I hope my recipe doesn't let you down. I too like taking photos with droplets of water hanging off the plant parts. I'm headed out now to finish up some planting and tidy up a bit. We're having big bash today and having a bean bag tossing contest. I'll be taking photos- so stay tuned. Hope you get to feeling better.Warm and healing hugs from the South. Happy Memorial Day Back at cha! Oh---I can't keep my feeder full. They eat it all up in about a half day!!!

  11. Hi Robin!
    Garden pictures is much better in rain than in sun. It rains a lot here in Sweden in th summer, but no we hade several weeks with now rain, it begins to dry out in the garden, not so good.
    I have not take so much pictures now when it so sunny.
    You have taken beautiful pictures on you garden flowers.
    Have a nice weekend Ken

  12. Robin,

    Again with the wonderful photographs! You have an eye for them. The Dianthus looks like it's sugar coated and ready to go on a wonderful wedding cake!

    Have a good weekend. I have been wondering how the new job was coming along..


  13. You have some nice plants, I can tell! Your garden must be lovely, this time of year.

  14. Robin, I'm so sorry that you're still not feeling well! This is such a busy time in the garden, too. I hope you'll be back as good as new very soon!

    Gorgeous photos. I love taking them after a rain, too. The dianthus is especially pretty!

  15. Robin, I'm sorry you are still a tad under the weather and, as well, are so busy with the other venues of life that you haven't had much time to garden nor post much from Robin's Nesting Place. I loved your rainy evening pictures of your lovely growing things. Take care!


  16. Hi - Nice photos. I know what you mean about not having enough time. I have some time off work this week and the forecast is heavy rain - typical!

  17. Hi Robin
    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog! I really enjoy looking at your pictures and have wondered what sort of camera you use to get such great bird close ups? We have bluebirds that frequent our yard and I love them so much and would love to capture them on film.
    Sarah (

  18. Rainy days can sometimes make the best photos! Bravo

  19. Thank you all for stopping by Robin's Nesting Place and taking the time to leave your wonderful comments. Thankfully, I am starting to feel much better. Especially since I had some time for gardening last night and tonight. That always makes me feel better.

    Sarah, I answered the camera question on your blog.


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