
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Spring Pictures

It was so nice to have the day off today. I got up bright and early and headed outside to take pictures of my spring blooms. It was quite windy so the pictures weren't crisp and clear but I had fun playing with them tonight anyway. The pink rose picture is from my new Knock Out rose, I desaturated the color and framed it.

This picture of the tulips was blurry so I used the Adobe watercolor effect on it. I don't usually use these features and was just playing around and trying something different.

The tulips were beautiful this morning adorned with rain drops.

Another flowering crabapple in full bloom today.

By the time I finished my errands and got around to gardening today, the weather was not the greatest. It was in the forties with wind gust of around 30-35 m.p.h. It was cold, but I was desperate to get some things planted and just to be outside near all of these gorgeous blooms. The pansies that I planted in the fall are really starting to bounce back now. I love this blue one.

I planted several of the impatiens that were grown from seed in the front flower beds, and I planted the calibrachoa in the front porch containers with some trailing vinca vines.

All but one of the lantana plants are now in containers. I didn't find the pink multi-colored one I really wanted, but the gold one performed well last year and the butterflies like it just as well.

I also planted the pink Knock Out rose, the red salvia and did a bit of weeding.
I don't have to go in to work again until later in the week, I hope the weather will be nice so I can get the rest of the stuff planted and do a considerable amount of weeding and edging.

The 'Karen' azalea is just beginning to bloom. I really miss the azaleas in Alabama during spring and was thrilled to find this one last year. It survived the winter and has lots of buds! Now, it really feels like spring to this southern gal!

A chipping sparrow gathering nesting material this morning. I haven't seen the bluebirds in several days so they must have chosen another place to nest.


  1. Oh the color carnival! A feast for the eyes Robin. Thanks for sharing your spring. :c)

  2. These colorful pictures are so artfully done Robin. That wind was something else yesterday. The day started out so nice and then wham the wind blew in.

  3. Beautiful blooms, Robin. Your garden is turning all sorts of wonderful colors and textures. I do hope the weather holds for you to get more gardening done while you can. It is hard for this southern girl to imagine not being able to garden any day of the year.Then again resting up might be kind of nice once in a while. I don't think I'll ever know about that though. LOL
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  4. Beautiful pictures Robin. I love the special effects you were experimenting with. You have so many lovely things blooming in your garden!

  5. Lovely photos. Amazing colors and variety. Great finish with the chipping sparrow.

  6. Your Tulips are so beautiful! I'm now tempted to get some red or pink ones this fall.

  7. Beautiful photos! The tulips with raindrops are just gorgeous.

  8. Ooh, Robin, how delicious! And what a delightful shot of the chipping sparrow. You really should matte and frame that one for real!

  9. Oh how I wish I had planted some new tulips this year.

  10. Hi Robin, very lovely photos, even with the wind. I can only imagine what you could have done on a still day if you think these are not wonderful. Your tulips are exquisite, I wish ours were still with us, and will have to relive their beauty with your shots. We have had tremendous winds also, it makes photo taking difficult and blows the pine tree and grass pollen up our noses! Ah choo!

    Frances at Faire Garden

  11. Your spring photos are beautiful as always Robin but I'm sad to hear the sparrow won the box. :(
    Congrats on your new job too.

  12. Hi Robin! Congrat's on your new job! What do you do? (Besides garden, I mean!). Your photo's are just beautiful...and so telling of what lies in you garden. You have great taste in flowering trees, bushes and plants. I am so over-loaded with photo's I can't keep up with myself! I want to be outside, but then, I want to get photo's ready to's a never-ending cycle! Hope you'll stop by for a visit soon!

  13. Beautiful and colorful pictures! Just gorgeous!

    It sure did get cold once that wind came in Saturday. I had to cut short some of my gardening, but Sunday was beautiful.

  14. Very nice pictures on your spring flowers.
    Lovely tulips!
    I like tulips but thise year the frost has taken almost every tulips in our garden here in Sweden.
    I just have to wait for next year.
    But we have other fowers to be happy for.

  15. What a wonderfully fun way to spend a day off. I love all of the wonderful colors in your garden. I can't wait until my blooms start to unfurl!

  16. Stunning flowers and love your Chipping Sparrow shot!


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