
Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Peonies

It never seems to fail, the peonies bloom, are at their prime and then we have rain. They were absolutely breathtaking then we had a couple of days of thunderstorms and now they are all laying down. Even though they are leaning and unable to take the weight of the water on their petals, they are still gorgeous.

After taking these pictures I clipped off the best looking flowers and brought them inside to enjoy.

This one is right here beside my computer, it is so beautiful and smells wonderful.

It is in a small vase and rather top heavy and kitty just knocked it over. Thankfully the water didn't hit the keyboard. I guess this may not be the best place for it after all.


  1. These peonies just scream BEAUTIFUL. We have some silk peonies where I work that look just like yours. If they had a scent it would be hard to tell them apart from a distance. However there is nothing like the real thing. Be careful with liquid around the I sit here with a glass of iced tea perched right beside my computer.

  2. I love peonies, I wish they lasted longer in the garden or were repeat bloomers like roses...I don't think I would ever tire of them. It always rains heavy when the peonies bloom!

  3. Kitty will always let you know the places NOT to put something. You're right about the rain coming just when the peonies are at their best.

  4. the storms did a number on my peonies. there were more petals on the ground than on the bush. I was hoping they would last longer. Yours are gorgeous!

  5. I had to smile as I saw the familiar shot of the fluffy peony blooms weighed down by so much beauty and rain. I love the gorgeous pink flowers with an impossible number of petals packed into each bloom. How do the bees ever find their way out of the petal maze?

  6. It's such sweet torture coming to your blog right now, Robin - I try to remember how they smell and the feel of the petals, but can only admire your photos and imagine how nice it would be to hold a peony again!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  7. I decided that it's not that the rain acidentally comes just when the peonies bloom; it's that the peonies bloom because they can tell it's going to rain soon. It's been too many years for me that the same thing happens over and over again. And after talking to other gardeners in other states, I see that it is the same for them. Maybe it's the high humidity that helps the blooms to pop.
    I don't like cages because it makes them look stiff. I tie a green twine around the bush, not too tight, when it is still in bud stage. That helps a lot.

  8. Robin your peonies are absolutely gorgeous! I can smell from here! Mine are still in the bud stages..our Spring has been on the cool side~

  9. It is raining here but the peonies are not yet open but, as you say, it probably will rain when they are and a bouquet is one of the benefits! I can almost smell that pink perfection.

  10. I love Jane Marie's theory of Peonies! I've decided that if I every buy another Peony, it's going to be a single, so it doesn't look so pathetic after a rain. Mine are just opening & they do look great this year.

  11. I was whining about the very same thing this morning. Like clockwork, peonies open, storms hit. Some of mine are caged so hoping that will help.

    Wonderful photos!

  12. Nothing like having them close by to smell and enjoy. Virtually inhaling these beauties!

  13. Mmm, I can't wait to take a whiff of my peonies! Alas, I don't have enough large black ants here. The blooms are still tiny, but I'm just tingling with anticipation at the thought of those pink beauties opening up and showing the world the beauty that lies within!

    I wonder if a blowdryer would help dry them off.... LOL.

  14. I love those flowers. I have two that bloom really well and I really enjoy them. I wish they lasted longer too.

  15. Peonies and rain! We patiently wait from season to season, hoping to smell and photograph their essence. The thirsty earth smiles ... gardeners sigh!

  16. I have really enjoyed your peonies,thank you.

  17. Pretty, pretty peonies! I love the soft pink color.

  18. Are you just absolutely under water? The pictures I see of Indiana now are pretty astonishing... and they said the midwest was going to have a drought this summer.

  19. So beautiful, thanks you for sharing them :-)

  20. Anna--Flowergardengirl
    Just checking on ya. I'm not blogging but I am still a fan. Are you flowers still sleeping on the ground? We have 100 degree temps and my flowers are super stressed. You can't even sit out on the porch unless you want to sit there and sweat. We don't usually have it like this---eeeeek.

  21. Your peonies are beautiful! I have just one plant I think I will be planting more this fall. I just love the smell of them and wished they lasted longer.


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