
Sunday, June 29, 2008

A New Camera and a BIG Thank you!

I wanted start off by thanking you all for your kind words, your thoughts and especially your prayers regarding my husband's job loss. The initial shock has worn off and a deep sense of sadness has taken its place. We are trying to have faith and not give in to fear. A little fear is good, however, because it tends to make us very proactive.

My husband traveled frequently and always put expenses on his Rewards card. He graciously let me use the reward points on my photography hobby. Last year I used them for a 75-300mm lens for my Sony Alpha 100. My beloved Sony F717 was not performing very well anymore and I wanted a new camera to replace it. I recently purchased a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H50 and it was delivered right about the time that we found out about the job loss. Needless to say, my enthusiasm about the new camera was dampened.

This afternoon I tried to nap but soon became restless. Instead, I went outside with my new camera and sat in the swing. There is something very satisfying to me about holding a camera in my hands. I love the way it feels. Taking pictures is far more restful and refreshing to me than a nap. I'm sure that may sound strange to some people, and I can't explain it myself. Hopefully I'm not totally crazy and there are a few others who love photography who might understand. Anyway, I sat there swinging and watching for anything that might catch my eyes. There really wasn't much going on. Just a few bumblebees and a brief glimpse of an American painted lady.

This bumblebee was huge!

I took a few pictures of the flowers. I marveled at how different and interesting the flowers on the echinacea looked.

This is my favorite container planting.

The highlight of the afternoon was seeing this large dragonfly land on the 'Veronica' speedwell. It flew around the garden several times and would light on this every time. I wonder if it was the color, the stalk, or something else that attracted him to this particular plant.

I'm still learning the camera and it has been so windy that it has been difficult to get good, clearly focused pictures, but so far, I think I'm going to enjoy it. It has a 15x optical zoom lens which is equivalent to 465mm. This will come in handy for capturing pictures of birds. Now I'm getting antsy for a field trip!

I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!


  1. I am just totally blown away by your beautiful pictures. You have mastered the art. You make the common place things that I probably see every day, seem like the most marvelous thing on earth. I am gong to enjoy this blog immensely.

  2. Beautiful photos with your new camera. It appears to be similar to mine (7.1 megapixels and 18 times zoom). Do you use a tripod? I find that using one really helps to keep the focus steady.

  3. Your pictures are marvelous.....this new camera enhances your ability to the "nth" degree! Clarity, color, wow. Praying for you this morning....we are going through a similar thing, and this I know, God IS faithful!! Keep snapping those pics!! :)

  4. Such great pictures! I know you will love the new camera.

  5. Eve, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I'm very glad you stopped by to visit!

    Hi, Crafty! Thank you. I don't use a tripod because it is difficult enough to sneak up on some of these creatures as it is. A tripod is just too cumbersome for me.

    Anonymous, thank you for visiting, leaving a comment and especially the prayers. God is indeed faithful.

    Nancy, I'm glad you understand. Everything looks different to me through the lens.Thanks for visiting!

    NCmountainwoman, I think I will too! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Robin, your photos are gorgeous! We have the same kind of camera - DH bought mine for my birthday last year. I love the camera, wish I was half the photographer you are!

    I can totally empathize with what you and your husband are going through right now. The manufacturing sector has been hard-hit by the economy in recent years. My HR manager position with a large manufacturing firm was eliminated in August, 2006, after I had to do RIFS for at least 50 others that I'd worked with for years. It was really awful, especially walking the hallways saying "Good Morning," and exchanging pleasantries with co-workers whose severance packages I had written 6 weeks prior to sitting down with them and giving them the bad news.

    My thoughts are with you, your husband, and your family. I know first-hand what a difficult, sad, scary, and stressful time this must be.

    On the positive side, although I opted not to return to corporate America, at least for now, nearly everyone whose jobs I had the difficult tasks of eliminating have landed on their feet and in most cases found better jobs than they had prior to their RIFs from my former company. (Some were retirement-age, and opted to take their pensions and get out of the rat race. I envy them!)

  7. Well, still learning or not, your pictures are eye-popping! I have always said it takes an eye for great picture no matter the camera and boy do you have that. The dragonfly is my favorite. Hoping for the best for you.

  8. Such gorgeous shots!!!! I completely understand what you said about shooting photographs being more relaxing and rejuvenating than a nap. I'm the same way! It's wonderful isn't it?

    I shoot with a Sony Alpha 100 also. I really like the results you're getting from your new acquisition. Such great zoom shots (my fave).

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  9. I have to agree with everyone, your photos are lovely. I like that all the coneflower look clear and sharp not just one.

    I totally get that a nap is not as restful as a beloved activity! I can't lie down to de-stress.

    You are still in my thoughts.


  10. Your new camera is fantastic. The quality in your pictures far exceeds my old camera. I hope your husband finds a good job soon. Good luck.

  11. Robin, I absolutely love the photos you took! You should be taking shots for a nature magazine!! Keep up the good work!

  12. Gorgeous photos, Robin! You sure are doing a terrific job with your new camera.

    I am in the market for a new camera and am driving myself crazy trying to many features, pros and cons with each model.

  13. Robin, I thought your photos with your old camera were great, but these are awesome! The dragonfly and bumblebee are so clear. Glad you are enjoying your new camera.

  14. Robin,

    Stunning images. Just stunning.
    I saddened to think of the weight that the two of you are carrying around just now, but love the lemonade you've shared here, made so skillfully from those pesky lemons.

    Thank you for reminding all of us how to do that.

  15. I have never seen such incredible pictures! You could win an award! I am sorry to hear your sad news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  16. The pictures are just stunning and congratulations. Love that you took them from your porch.

    Good things will come to you and I'm praying. We've been jobless twice. About 10 years ago, we couldn't rub two nickels together. Our kids were in high school and it was very rough. We've been richly blessed since but it was trying. We just said this week..if only we could have future vision during those times. Such little faith we had back then. I could scold myself. My husband's current job is amazing and that road through the desert is what led us here. Big hugs to ya!!

    The new camera fits you perfectly--just as beautiful.

  17. Robin ~ first, my apologies for not visiting here in so long. No excuses either, (although I DO seem to be swamped lately), because I LOVE visiting your blog. I'm always thrilled with the fabulous photography of such beautiful things.

    Secondly, I wasn't aware of your husband losing his job. My deepest sympathetic feelings go out to you. I was let go from my part-time job two weeks ago and while it's not the same, I WANTED that job and now I don't have it. It provided me with spending money for the gardens and I will miss it. I know if I felt such a sense of loss with my little job, I can't even imagine what your husband and you must be feeling. I hope he finds something VERY soon. You're in my prayers.
    I do understand how you get a sense of peace with your camera. I'd be lost without mine. I hope someday to get an SLR digital.
    Again, my apologies for my absence! I'll try not to let that happen again!

  18. Those photos are fantastic. Very clear and very well focused. It looks like you picked a great camera.

  19. Of course, now I want a new camera. My camera, my swing, flowers, are indeed a kindred spirit, Robin.

    BTW, we bought a new car the week before my husband was fired. It was frightening at first, but I came to see it as God's grace. We needed a new car and never would have bought it had we known what was just on the horizon. I'm thrilled that He let you get a new camera at this time...He has given you the ability to peek further into His glory and see His presence all around you in even greater majesty. (((Hugs)))

  20. Robin, looks like you have a handle on your new camera already. More beautifully captured visions.Of course no matter how good the camera it is the person behind the camera that decides how good the photo is. You have it figured out! I especially love the dragon fly too. Although the bee is stunning.

    I totally understand the feeling of peace and restfulness when holding the camera and capturing photos. I can get completely lost in it and forget about time and troubles. I can take a really good nap too however... it just doesn't seem like I get too many of them.

    Do you compress your photos for the blog? I do (for quicker upload) and they are always more blurry than the original. Yours seem to be original size??? Then again it could be your camera!

    Have you ever tried a monopod? It is much easier to get around than a tripod.
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  21. Anyone looking at these photos would agree that this camera went to the right person, Robin - they're exquisite as both art and as a celebration of the natural world that you inhabit.

    According to my bloglines you hadn't made a post since June 20th, so I thought you were on vacation! It looks like a whole lot's been happening and I'm so sorry to hear that your husband lost his job. I hope there is a new opportunity just over the horizon.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  22. Robin I shall hold you and your husband in my prayers.May he soon find another rewarding job placement.
    I know how you feel about the garden the camera and how it calms and soothes your spirit. I think through the eye of the camera we can get closer to Nature and all its delights..and that feeds our souls!
    I am under some stress here and whenever I have my camera in hand it takes me to a place of respite..viewing the wonders in the garden.hugs aNNa

  23. Oh, your photos are incredible. They belong in National Geographic! Those amazing dragonflies are something else. Thanks for the beauty.
    Robin at Getting Grounded

  24. I'm sorry about your husband's job. It's like the camera is trying to make up for your low spirits. It looks like you're going to get a lot of pleasure from it.

  25. I can understand that photography can make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. I feel that way when I paint. I can forget about the world and my worries.

    That one bumble bee looks like a one winged bandit.

  26. Your shots are out of this world. Amazing...on the close-up shot pink coneflower with the bee on it....can you remember what camera you were using there? I am so glad I ran across your blog. Would you please email and let me know.My email is


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