
Friday, June 20, 2008

The Yoke's On Me

I've always been partial to pink and purple flowers and this pink mallow is such a delight. I just read the seed packet and this is 'Pink Beauty' mallow. I also just noticed that it isn't recommended to start these indoors as they can be difficult to transplant. I'm very glad that these have survived my ignorance.

I've never been partial to white flowers and was so disappointed that the one and only hollyhock that survived from last year's planting was white. It's very pretty in the evening by the light of the full moon. I really don't want more white hollyhocks though, and will pull this one up before it goes to seed.

My one and only real rose bush, ( I have several Carpet roses and Knockout roses). It produces a few red roses each year, but isn't really thriving. It does look healthier this year than in years past. So far, no black spots or pests, the aphids aren't even bothering it this year.

While I was outside, I had the pleasure of seeing a hummingbird. For some reason they are scarce this year and I'm not seeing them frequent the feeder.

I've spotted my first preying mantis. I was watering and almost missed seeing this little guy.

Our house was egged for the second time last night. This is so frustrating and maddening. This area gets morning sun and by the time we saw it and the police came to file the report, the eggs were baked on. We had to spend the morning cleaning the siding and the patio.

The maddening thing is that they had to be right at the patio to do this. This is not a harmless prank, it is vandalism. It permanently damages the siding. We never did get it all off of the side of the house last time, even though we cleaned it up right after it happened, at 1:00 AM.


  1. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I've got three sets of French doors that have to be replaced in my new home due to an attempted break-in. It's un-nerving to have someone so close and not invited.

    Your flowers are stunning. I like pink and purple too.

  2. So annoying...why dont' the parents supervise their kids and know where they are at night? I'm on a rant about parental supervision.....

    Lovely pictures by the way. I like the white hollyhock though! I've never planted hollyhocks, because I've heard they spread and quickly take over everything.

  3. So sorry about the vandalism Robin. I'll never understand that kind of lack of caring, respect, and regard for others. Such stupidity. It's sad people choose to behave that way.

    Beautiful shots. We're still looking for our first hummingbird here. That little mantis is so cute. I remember my mom ordering egg cases when I was kid, and being on the lookout for the tiny hatchlings. They're amazing-looking creatures.

  4. So sorry about the vandalism. TP-ing is one thing, but egging is destructive. I hope the police can catch the perpetrators.

    Glad you mentioned the scarcity of hummingbirds; I haven't seen them as much this year either. I have a similar photo of what I think is a praying mantis on my post yesterday, too:)

  5. I've been yoked also years ago when my girls were teenagers. On
    the garage. It etched a marked into the stain that we could never get out. I sympathize.

    My hummingbirds are scarce also. One has recently started to feed and yesterday I saw two fighting, (or romancing?) at the feeder. They flew off together so I'm hoping it's a pair. I wonder where they all are?

  6. I don't know if it would help, but if they had to get on your patio to egg your house could you put up motion sensor lights? Maybe it would scare away whoever is doing it?

  7. Sorry to hear about this vandalism happening to you Robin. It's so sickening how uncaring kids and adults are. I hope you find out who keeps doing this to you. I'm very scared of getting my car or future house egged or vandalized in another way. I wish there was a way to educate kids to respect things and realize what their actions do.
    Beautiful blooms by the way. I have seen a few hummingbirds on my balcony stop by and poke at my petunias or look for something.

  8. That was sneaky, Robin - to start out with silky-petaled mallows and somehow segue into egg-tossing vandals.

    My sympathies on the egging - were any of your neighbors hit, too?

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  9. Egging is a sure sign that the kids have been out of school to long....bring on the year round school year!

  10. Anna, the egging doesn't even compare to what you went through. I saw your new blog, I just haven't signed up yet to be able to leave a comment.

    Sherry, I wonder sometimes where the parents of these kids are. This had to have happened some time after 12:30 AM. Because my computer is beside the window that is near the patio and I was up until then.

    Hi, Garden Girl. The lack of respect for other people's property is a concern. I guess they see it as a harmless prank and probably don't realize the damage it causes.
    I think I have seen a few mantis egg cases on two of the patio containers. They don't appear to have hatched yet.

    Hi, Nancy. I hope we got it all too. It sometimes takes a few days to notice the black discoloration on the siding.

    Rose, I wonder where the hummingbirds are? I need to go back through my post to see when they started hanging around last year. I only had a few then, but they were regular visitors.

    Hi, Jane Marie. I wish I knew where the hummers were. I don't have butterflies yet either. I have all of these fabulous butterfly plants and have only seen a few sulphers. Even the little caterpillars on my parsley are gone. So disappointing!

    Thanks for the suggestion, Laura. I keep the patio lights on all night, but maybe motion lights would be better. At least then they might get startled.

    Hi, Vanillalotus. I think I know who it is already. I've been thinking about talking to the parents. Of course this can backfire, so I'm hesitant to do so.

    Hi, Annie. Last fall several other neighbors were hit. I don't know if anyone else was hit this time. I think it's my neighbors, and it's just a convenience thing. The neighbor behind them had the back of their fence egged a few weeks ago. I think they were just playing around with eggs that time. I mean, who else would have gone through the back of several yards just to access the back of this person's fence. I also had pellets from this kid's pellet gun on the patio. They have a pergola and the kids are always climbing out their windows and onto the pergola. It certainly has been a challenge living next to these people.

    Hi, Babs. Unfortunately school was in session last time it happened. It was on the weekend. They do tend to get into more mischief when school is out though.

  11. Robin, I agree that who ever did this was not taught to respect others' property or privacy. But I am sure it is probably a small group of young kids(age wise and mind wise). Hopefully the authorities will find out who soon. An extra security light might help.

    The flowers are lovely and sometimes ignorance pays off! We had a mantis nursery on our patio last summer. We were having a cookout and all sitting around the table when all these hundreds of tiny mantis started crawling everywhere. Our grand girls were there and were fascinated-as were we.

  12. Beckie, I can't imagine that many baby mantis. I was sure if there was one here there must be others too, but I didn't see any more.

  13. I am of the same opinion about white flowers, but my wife loves them so I have a few to keep her happy. When it comes to hollyhocks I love them all.
    Sorry to hear about the vandalism, probably kids with nothing to do.

  14. I'm sorry about the vandalism but I wanted to let you know I love your blog. Your photos are beautiful! I think you should keep the white holly hock. It is gorgeous!!!

  15. Robin I vote you keep the white hollyhock as well. Must be good gene stock if it was the only one to survive.
    Sorry to hear about the egging. Idle hands and bored minds do stupid things. Motion sensor lights do sound like a good option. Something to think about.

  16. that is so sad that peaple can not keep there hands and eggs to themselfs

  17. Robin, I love the pic of your white hollyhock-it is stunning! My grandmother always had hollyhocks in her garden so they hold a special place in my heart-thanks for the reminder of her :)! I'm so sorry your house got egged-why do people have to be so hateful and mean!

  18. Oh, Robin, I am so sorry about your house. What a mean thing to do.~~Dee

  19. Love the flowers - hate that your neighbor's kids are so mean! I hope they will get caught red-handed.

  20. My house got egged the other night too. Fortunately none of it got on the siding, just the roof and our car window. It must be kids.

    Love the flower pics. I haven't seen any hummingbirds this year either. Wonder what that is all about?

  21. How frustrating! Little brats! Love your flowers though and the white hollyhock is so pure. Send it here if you would.

  22. Bored children with lazy unconcerned parents! I'm sorry... While kids think it's funny, it's a crime.

    Your flowers look beautiful! Like you, I'm not seeing hummingbirds often either. I'd like to think they are having a slow start this summer (for weather related reaons?) and will get busy in July!

    Thanks for your comment on templates. There are two "stretch" templates I'll try. I think yours is called "Jellyfish"?

  23. I have just awarded you the Arte Y Pico Award for your good blogging! Congratulations.

    The Arte y Pico Award was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and talent whether it’s writing or artwork in all types of media. When you receive this award it is considered a special honor.

    There is much more info about Arte Y Pico at my blog,

    Please visit, let me know you received this message and check out the other winners. And - keep on blogging! I really enjoy what you are doing. Very sincerely, Bonnie Story

  24. I have noticed that the hummingbirds are scarce this year too. I wonder how many of them got here and then couldn't handle the cold weather we had in May?
    I never have understood what people get out of destroying property.

  25. Robin, love the pink and purple too... but I am partial to white flowers for the reasons you mentioned... they show up so well at dusk. In Florida they just show well with all the greenery everywhere.

    Enjoyed seeing the hummingbird and the praying mantis too. I'm still waiting for the hummingbirds here.

    So sorry about the senseless vandalism... it is very disheartening to think that goes on in your desired little community.
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  26. Sorry about the vandals, Robin. That sucks. I've never had any problem transplanting lavatera or mallows, if that's any encouragement.

  27. Maybe the mallow didn't survive your ignorance, but instead thrived as a result of your talent? ;-) As for the vandals, I believe I would set up a camera somewhere.

  28. Lucky my house never got egged but my neighbors house (when I was a kid) use to have an old teacher living next door! She always ended up getting egged! She would pay me to wash it off and after a while I got even more mad at the people who threw the eggs than she did! Love your hummer photo!

  29. In my sister's neighborhood, it's mainly toilet paper and shaving cream, but still... the damage it does to the yard is not one bit amusing. So sorry for your having to spend time scrubbing.

  30. So sorry to hear about your egging. I guess it is getting to that time of year when the children (?) are getting bored. Too bad they are picking on your house.

    I can't believe that my reader just popped up with 6 posts that I have missed. I don't know why it didn't tell me you had posts up. I was just wondering the other day what you were up ot. I thought maybe you were on vacation. I was wrong my reader went on vacation.

  31. my house just got toliet papered and confiettied. its covered in toliet paper. my neighbor's sons did it.


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