
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hummingbirds are Finally Here!

Others commenting on my blog have told me that dragonflies and damselflies eat mosquitoes. As I read more about them I found out that the nymphs eat the mosquito larva. We have three ponds in our neighborhood, so I'm sure they are well fed this year. We've had so much rain that the mosquitoes are pretty bad which probably accounts for the large number of dragonflies and damselflies this summer. After seeing so many pictures of the dragonflies on other blogs last year, I wanted to get a picture of one too. I don't think I ever did. If you remember, last year we had drought conditions, so that may have been a factor in the decreased numbers. I've had plenty of opportunities to photograph them this year. I'm very happy to share my garden with these beneficial insects.

The hummingbirds have finally arrived and I'm beginning to see them more frequently, in brief moments, as they zip by.

I just happened to be outside with my camera taking Garden Blogger Bloom Day pictures yesterday when this one came by.

Once they get used to seeing me around, I'll raise the window and sit beside it and photograph them up close. I did this last year and loved being so near them.

I can't imagine summer without all of the bumblebee activity.

The catbird and the robin were singing at the same time, right there together, in the top of the tree. They did not make beautiful music together, let me tell you. The catbird makes a sound somewhere between a crying baby and a very loud meowing cat in heat. I think they were trying to out sing each other.

The goldfinches have already started eating the seeds from the sunflowers. It's funny, because I don't recall ever seeing them eating sunflower seeds from the feeder. I have thistle/nyjer feeders and that's the seed they usually eat.

This is one summer critter I can definitely do without.

Another summer pest that is not welcome here at Robin's Nesting Place, is the dreaded Japanese beetle. Everyday I go outside and pick them off the plants. They seem to especially love the roses and the purple sweet potato vine and are destroying them. Last night I was sitting here at the computer when I felt something on my back, I reached down my shirt to see what was scratching me and I felt a Japanese beetle on me. I can handle it fine touching them with my hands, but for some reason the thought of one of them on me freaks me out. Thankfully no one but my husband was in the room, so I came out of that shirt really fast. I hate when that happens!

I'm seeing the bunnies all over the neighborhood when I walk in the evenings. I think they are so cute, in other people's yards! This one, however, was in my yard, still munching on the burning bush. So it is not cute! Well...maybe just a little bit.

Thank you to all of you who mentioned that my RSS feed wasn't working, I'm not sure what happened, but we've been having some computer issues lately. I hope I have corrected the problem, and that it's working for you again. Please let me know if it isn't.


  1. Such lovely pictures Robin. If that bunny was dipped in chocolate it would be perfect for Easter :)

    Would you believe that tonight my husband had a hummingbird fly right up to him and hover in front of his face, about an inch from his nose? They looked at each other for a bit and then the bird flew away. Amazing! Wish I'd been there to see it.

  2. Yay! Hummers! Love your photos of them Robin. They have been really scarce here too.

  3. Robin, thank you for sharing your lovely photos - they are just amazing! I'll have to look around on your blog to see if you mention the type of camera and lens you use. Also, thank you for visiting my blog, and please come back often.

  4. Ohhhhhh, what a lovely blog you have today Robin, it is literally teeming with wildlife. Even the bunny is cute. Easy for me to say as it is not munching away on my garden plants. ;-)

    If there is one thing I envy you it's the hummingbirds. I so wish they would visit my country too. But alas. And I love those feeders too. I have seen so many pretty ones on many a blog.

    LOL, that catbird sounds ..... interesting. ;-)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Robyn all your bugs and blooms and hummers are wonderful to view..well NOT that ((((((Japanese beetle!))))) they sure do make a mess out of the roses!!
    I have a bunny pose exaclty like yours but it is turned the other fact a whole family live in my garden!!Send some of the hummers my way...feeders out but they are not arriving? Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. What amazing pictures! I love the ones of the hummers. They are so cute and tiny and remind me of my mother. She has around 8 or 10 humming bird feeders in her yard and there are constantly hummers there. She loves them and babies them with fresh sweet juice all in the shade "so they won't be hot" as she says!

  7. I was showing my daughter your damselfly photo, and she said your cat looks just like our Sophie. She does. Love the tiger cats, don't you?

    Your photos are fab as always.~~Dee

  8. The RSS feed is working again.

    A couple days ago I asked for your help in determining if my echinacea had the same problem mentioned in your post. I want to thank you for taking the time to come by, look, and respond. Thank you!

    I also wanted to tell you that I just love your blog and your pictures. And I'm jealous about all the birds you have! I have many, many robins, some cardinals and brown thrashers and that's about it. I love looking at the birds you photograph.

  9. I love the photos of the hummingbirds. I can't seem to be quick enough to capture them around my place. I know what you mean about the Japanese beetle. ughh!

  10. I've never heard a catbird and robin duet. Great photos. Glad you have hummers again.

  11. You do take great photos Robin. It's a visual treat to stop by....damsel flies, dragon flies and hummingbirds...and flowers, too! Wonderful.

  12. You do so well capturing the wildlife. I'm glad the hummers have arrived for you. They're such fun to watch. I've had a couple fly really close to my face a few times, and a pair chasing each other right by my ear have scared me a couple of times. You know how loud they sound...and they come out of nowhere!
    Wonderful photos of the dragonflies..both this one and the one on the hosta. I've seen lots of honeybees (yay!), bumblebees and butterflies, but not many dragonflies or damselflies yet. I'd love to have heard the catbird and robin singing together :)

  13. I'm with you on the rabbits. They're fine, in other people's yards. Your photos continue to be outstanding! I've never seen a photo of a still hummer. That is so neat. (Note to self: get Hummingbird feeder.) With all the rain we've gotten, the mosquitoes have been truly beastly. My daughter wants a pet dragonfly to keep in the house to eat any mosquitoes that get in.

  14. Beautiful wildlife pictures, as always, Robin. I'm glad your hummers have arrived. Now I can look forward to your photos of them.

  15. I don't think I've ever seen a photo of a hummngbird not hovering before. They look such a funny shape when they're still.

  16. I really enjoy your closeup shots. They have such clarity.

  17. You always have so much going on in your garden Robin. I am anxiously awaiting hummingbirds too (we only get them on their way back south). I have my feeders all ready to go as soon as I spot the first one. I don't envy the japanese beetles tho. ugh. and kudos to you for the great dragonfly photos ~ they are all wonderful.

  18. We have grasshoppers/rabbits and thankfully no Japanese beetles.
    I am so glad your hummingbirds are there now. I wonder what took them so long. Do you boil your sugar and water? I just wondered. Some people do and some don't.

  19. Your pictures reminded me that I want to get some Garden Verbena or as we say down here--Verbena on a stick. They add so much to your pictures. I've seen some hummingbirds drinking from my salvias and hyssops. They are never around long enough for me to capture them on my camera. Loved your post as usual and I hope things are going well for you and your dh.

  20. What stunning photos. I'm very jealous - they're not found in the wild in England, or anywhere else in Europe. We do have the hummingbird hawkmoth, which often gets mistaken for the real thing, but if you look closely you can see antennae.

    I also wanted to thank you for sending me a welcome message on Blotanical. I tried to send a response back for some reason, it didn't work. I suppose I'll get the hang of it soon!

  21. Robin, looking at your pictures are such a treat!!! I love humming birds and your pics of them are wonderful! I had Catbirds when I lived in NJ and I love them. It is unusual that the Catbird and Robin were in the same tree and singing at the same time-what a great shot.

  22. Robin, your photos are spectacular! They make me long for a new camera like yours--but I know your skill at photography is a large part of it, too.
    I have seen so many dragonflies this year, too. In fact, I have all the same "critters" you have, including those disgusting Japanese beetles. How awful to have one down your shirt:)!
    But the hummingbirds haven't been around lately; they must not like my "cooking."

  23. As always your photos are awesome Robin. I'm amazed how well you capture the critters. It's as if they pose for you! It's always exciting when the hummingbirds return at last.

    We're still waiting for them here, although we did have a hummingbird moth here yesterday enjoying nectar from the impatiens. That's the first time I've seen one of them in my garden. It was very exciting. (wierd huh, getting excited over a bug!)

  24. Robin, your pictures are amazing! Do you make your own hummingbird suet? I have some store bought ones but I think I must have over diluted it, the humingbirds never comes.

    I'm also battling with japanese beetle. They were destroying all my flowers and they are really annoying. I'm scared to touch them with my hands, the fact that they actually climbed up on your back will freak me out! I bought an organic pest control solution and that seems to have taken care of it (for now... fingers crossed).

  25. We have a couple of young rabbits in our garden right now too. UGH...

    Your hummers are great. They make the garden feel so alive with all their zipping around.

  26. Gorgeous photos as usual, Robin! The hummers were here early, in droves, then disappeared for awhile. I'm happy to say they're back! The Monarchs did the same thing!


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