
Friday, January 16, 2009

Very, Very Good News!

My husband lost his job on Thursday of last week. He knew the company was struggling and had already started sending out resumes. Last Wednesday, the day before he was laid off, he had a phone interview with a recruiter, on Friday he had another phone interview, and on Wednesday of this week he had a face to face interview. Today he got a call saying that he had been chosen for the job! If all goes according to plan, he should start on this new job February 2!

We are so very thankful that this didn't drag out for months. So many people are without jobs right now, and it seems that each day the news reports of even more layoffs and business closing. We feel very, very blessed.

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and well wishes for us. They meant so much to me!


  1. That's just great news, Robin. I am so happy for you both. That's a good start to the new year.

  2. Wonderful, Robin! And what quick work, Lord! Hallelujah!

  3. God is good like that. i am so glad for your family.
    i love your photos they are so bright and cheerful! i read a few of your post.
    is libby sitting in a longerberger basket? i have many of them and use them all the time.

  4. Robin I'm just thrilled for you both! I do so hope the economy will start to turn around soon for those who are not as fortunate.

    Hopefully the two of you will find a small way to celebrate : )


  5. Praise God!!! And what a wonderful post, Robin.

  6. Robin, that is great news. God is so good.

  7. This is a beautiful post, Robin. A testament to faith! I can't imagine the stress this has caused though - two times in a year!
    I'm so happy for both of you!!

  8. That's wonderful news Robin. I'm relieved and happy for you!

  9. I'm happy for you and your family. This was a well done post. What a lovely statement of faith!

  10. Indeed you are blessed, Robin. Each and every 'chicken in my nest', including 'The Rooster', hangs on a perilous roost (each heart beat synchronized with the automotive world, living and breathing on news of each day). Rejoice and be glad! I live in faith of a beautiful tomorrow ...

  11. Robin, your pictures are glorious! I have always loved that verse-even more so now with your pictures.

    Truly wonderful news. I am so glad things are working out for you and your family.

  12. That is wonderful. I am so glad for you and your family!

  13. That is great news Robin! Congratulations to Hubby!

  14. Woohoooo!!!!! *happy dance*

  15. Hurray! Oh Robin, this is such good news and I am so happy for you and your family. Losing a job is always worrying but in times like this it is very worrying indeed. So glad your hubby is starting his new job next month. I wish him good luck in his new job and hope it's a job he will enjoy too.

    Have a great weekend my dear!

  16. Hi Robin, wonderful news, I'm delighted to here it, good for both of you.
    Great start on 2009.

  17. Fantastic news, Robin :-D

    I really do know how you are feeling right now. You can now look forward - wonderful :-D

    Best wishes to you all :-D

  18. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. My husband (who reads over my shoulder) says "that's great" to you and your family.


  19. So, so, wonderful! That is wonderful news.

  20. Yippppeeeeeeeeeee. I am so happy for you Robin. Thank God!! The joy of this news is oozing off your post. Wonderful.

  21. What a blessing!! I am glad it all worked out and hope that the new job turns out to be an amazing opportunity.

  22. I am so happy to hear that it all worked out. And so quickly.


  23. Robin, That is the best news and you get some time to spend with your dh before the new job starts! Fantastic...gail

  24. I love the encouraging verse and the photos that go with your fabulous news and answer to prayer. Congratulations!

  25. Robin, I am so happy for you and for your family! These Bible verses are so appropriate--God was indeed looking out for you.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. The prayers and good wishes have been answered. I have been thinking about you as I listen to the news with the statistics about job losses and all. Apparently so have a whole lot of others! What very good news indeed.

  28. That is such great news for you and your family Robin!! Tell him good luck!

  29. Good news, Robin and good luck to your hubby in his new job. Your bird pictures are amazing.

  30. Fabulous news Robin! Thank goodness. I hope you don't have to go thru that stress again for a long while.

  31. That's good news! I'm so happy for you!

  32. YAY! YAY! YAY! This is a wonderful post and tribute, Robin.

    I'm so happy because I know what it's like when hubby loses a job - been there...

    God Bless You and Your Husband and Family.

    Mary :o)

  33. Congratuations!
    A beautiful verse of my favorites!

  34. I'm so happy for you and your husband, Robin. The photos are lovely as is the verse you chose to accompany them:)

  35. Congrats to you both, Robin. I know you must be very relieved.

  36. That's wonderful. I'm so happy to hear it worked out.

  37. Glad to hear that your husband found a job! That a big relief to your family in these times.

    Garden Thyme with The Creative Gardener

  38. I was happy to hear that your husband found a job. That is a relief to your family!
    Garden Thyme with the Creative Gardener

  39. Awesome, Robin! God is good -all the time - He is good!!!!

    Thanks for the b'day wishes. I can't believe I am 41. My body is starting to remind me daily, however! I refuse to believe they aren't shrinking the print on medicines, etc.! It can't be my eyes! LOL!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day! Love your blog and your photos! You are so gifted!

    Yvonne P.

  40. Robin, what a joy to hear that your dear hubby has already been offered a new job! He is so blessed to have a loving wife who not only stands beside him in the good times but who stands beside him in the hard times and lifts him up in prayer. I thank God for His faithfulness and provision.

  41. Praise the Lord! I would shout it from the mountain tops! Fantastic!

  42. This is wonderful news, and what a great relief for your family.
    I hope all is going well with the new job and that your husband settles in well and enjoys it.


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