
Monday, December 3, 2012

Forcing Bulbs and Winter Gardening

Winter months can be difficult for those of us who love to garden and nurture plants. Lowe's has asked me to tell how I bring the garden indoors to continue my gardening hobby during the winter months.

One way I continue gardening during the winter months is to force bulbs. It is a great way to have cheerful and colorful spring flowers in the dead of winter! Although the last few days have felt like spring! I am happy to have winter delayed!

There are several bulbs that can be easily forced inside. One of the easiest to force is paper white narcissus but you can also force crocus, hyacinths and tulips.

I bought this crocus bulb starting kit for .50¢ at a garage sale a few years ago. You just add water and before long you can see the roots start growing!

A paper white surrounded by hyacinths.
Another container of paper whites. They are growing faster in this one; I'm not sure why.

For the paper whites and hyacinths, you add a layer of rocks and keep just enough water to wet the bottom of the bulb.

This ladle attached to a cutting board has just enough room for two small paper white bulbs.
A small remnant of burlap makes a very simple bow to cover the nail.

As you can see, a variety of containers can be used to force bulbs
Really, anything can be used as long as it doesn't have drainage holes.
Another way to bring the garden in is to add natural elements. I love to add greenery and pine cones around the house, not just for Christmas, but all winter. I picked up some free greenery at Lowe's Saturday and I'll show you how I use it both indoors and out!

Thank you so much for reading! 



  1. It is that time of year to start thinking abaout indoor bulbs. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Good for you, Robin. I never do this, and always say I will. Maybe this will be the year. Happy Holidays.


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