
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Monarchs and Volunteers

Monarch butterfly on the verbena bonariensis.

I also saw a beautiful tiger swallowtail out the window and grabbed my camera only to discover that my memory card was in the computer upstairs. By the time I got the card it was gone. Maybe next time.

I didn't plant this portulaca, but it appeared at my mailbox this year. I think what may have happened is when I enlarged my mailbox area this spring I must have dumped dirt from one of my containers that had some portulaca seeds in it.

I also didn't plant this dainty black-eyed Susan (I'm assuming that is what this is), that is just beginning to bloom, but my neighbor has hundreds of them in his yard so this must have been brought by the birds or the wind. I have about three or four of them this year.

We've had rain for three days in a row, and it has been such a blessing. Everything has perked up and is looking so pretty.


  1. What wonderful gifts your garden has for you this year. Love that portulacca, very pretty. I love surprises like that in the garden!

  2. Robin, I've never seen a Monarch here, so really enjoyed seeing your beautiful photo. Thanks so much.


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