
Friday, September 14, 2007

September Garden Blogger Bloom Day

Welcome to Robin's Nesting Place for September Garden Blogger Bloom Day hosted by Carol, from May Dreams Gardens.

I don't really have many new blooms for September. I'm really surprised at the repeat bloomers and those that have hung on through the unusual dry and hot summer. The new bloomers for this month are the sunflower and the Wine and Roses weigela that I planted in the spring, I wasn't expecting fall blooms but I checked and they do have a repeat fall bloom.

The hummers just discovered the weigela today.
My gerbera daisies are still blooming. This morning they were wet from the dew or either still wet from my watering last night.

I am really enjoying the zinnias at the birdbath border garden.

I love this combination of Russian sage, lamb's ear, and dusty miller. The Russian sage has been a great performer for me this year. Many of my plants that I thought were about finished blooming have rebounded now that it's a bit cooler.

The miniature carpet rose is still blooming and needs some deadheading attention.

The salvia and verbena are thankfully still in bloom, they have been the key attractors for the hummingbirds and butterflies.

The front flowerbed is really overgrown with coleus, they are crowding the impatiens.

The front flowerbed has impatiens, coleus, spirea and sage that are still in bloom.

The black-eyed Susan is just about finished blooming and today it and the coneflowers were covered with finches.

I hadn't planted sunflowers in many years. I'm not sure why, because I've really enjoyed them this summer. Not only do they look pretty but they are fun to photograph and the butterflies, bees and even the hummingbirds enjoy them.

I have mums that are blooming. Most of them are this color or either a burgundy color.
Here is my list of flowers that are in bloom:
Moonflower Giant White Calonyction
Gerbera Daisies
Purple Wave Petunia
Verbena bonariensis
Carpet Rose
Lantana (some are doing well and others aren't)
Russian Sage
Queen Annes Lace (only because I haven't weeded in a while)
Plants that are still in bloom but barely:

New Guinea Impatiens
Balloon Flower
Anise Hyssop 'Golden Jubilee'
Black-eyed Susans


  1. Your fall garden is delightful, Robin. I guess with a name like yours, you're bound to get great bird shots, but I'm jealous of your apparent ease in capturing those elusive hummers.

    I love the sunflower pic, and the zinnias too.

  2. Hi there, Robin :-)

    A wonderful selection of blooms! It’s great to see the birds enjoying your garden too. I also have that deep cerise pink impatiens - it is giving colour to my silver border. I like the impatiens and the coleus combo :-)

  3. Beautiful! I have finches too, all over my echinacea. But they are very wary and fly off the second my door opens so no picture.

  4. Your garden looks so bright and cheerful. I love the sunflowers and the zinnias.

  5. Your front gardens especially look quite nice, considering all they went through this summer. I, too, have seen some rebounding of blooms now that it is cooler and we got some rain. Thanks for posting for Garden Bloggoers' Bloom Day.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  6. I enjoyed visiting your garden. I'm hoping as it cools off here, I will begin to see more blooms appearing. You give me hope. I am adding you to my list of garden bloggers. I will be back again. Thanks! :)


  7. Your garden is looking great and very colourful. What a list of blooms you have, Robin!

    BTW my blooms are up too.

  8. I knew you'd sneak a hummingbird in here somewhere! Everything looks beautiful for bloom day, Robin.

    I have weigela and Echinacea in my pink entrance garden - wish a finch would show up some year.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  9. I'm so jealous of your hummer! I don't have any, so I have to settle for goldfinches on the coneflowers.

  10. I simply love the way the humming bird is enjoying itself on your verbenas and salvias. It is not only hummers and butterflies, I wish, I too could enjoy these flowers first hand.

  11. You still have lots of color. I want to try that red salvia and some pink dahlias. The Lillyput Zinnias are so pretty, aren't they?
    I love coleus paired with impatiens and it also looks great with dahlias. I saw both at The Cornell Plantations. They had some wonderful combinations.
    The gold finches are having a wonderful time feeding on our sunflowers. Your pictures of them are so beautiful. Love your butterfly pics too.

  12. Your garden looks gorgeous, Robin ! What a lovely variety in bloom this time of year.

    I love birds as well. Cardinals, the Illinois State Bird, are my favorite and they visit my garden for water, insects and Asian Pears.

  13. Wow, you have lots of beautiful blooms. The photographs are wonderful. I like the Russian sage combination and boy, would I ever like to grow some red Salvia. The Zinnias are putting on a lovely display. I think you have way more blooms in your garden than I do!

    The finches add a great touch too.

  14. Wow, you still have a lot blooming. As you know I love your zinnias! Even with fall bearing down on me they are still a riot of color to cheer me up. Your front bed is very pretty. I'll be back looking at the pictures of it this winter when I try to come up with a better design for mine.


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