
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fall Digging and Replanting

Last fall when I cleaned up the front flower bed, I thought I had pulled up all of the purple coneflower, except for just a few right against the house, but I was mistaken. The bed was still full of it this year. So today I attempted to clean it up again. I dug up all that I could see. I'm sure some seeds will sprout next year and I'll have to do this again. The above picture is the before shot. (Oh, the blue garbage can in the picture is full of mulch from our recycle place, I used it on the side yard after planting.)
Once I started cleaning I couldn't stop. I pulled up most of the impatiens, several hostas, the sage/salvia, (this salvia isn't very pretty and was too large for the front bed), I also decided to move the spirea that I had cut back. This bed is my only shady spot and I need the space for other plants. I grew foxglove from seed this past winter, (it is a biennial so it should bloom next year), it was healthy but hidden amongst the mass of hostas and spirea. A miniature hollyhock grown from seed was also hidden from view. This past spring I planted a "Karen" azalea and I'd like to get two more next year. We have a crooked water thingy in the front flower bed, of all places, (notice what the flower pot is sitting on), and I'd like to put an azalea on each side of the existing azalea to help cover it up a bit.
Earlier this year, I connected the front flower garden to the back garden along the side of the house, but had not planted anything due to the very dry weather we've had. This is where I put the hostas and coneflower.

Since I was digging and cleaning up, I move a few things from the back yard also. I moved the tree peony that has never bloomed to the side yard and another peony that wasn't in a very good spot. I tried to dig up the mass of daisies in the butterfly garden but didn't get very far. They are so hard to remove. I ended up just having to break a stem at a time, the few I managed to pulled up were replanted in other spots of the yard.

In the butterfly garden, I removed a spreading rose bush that was very invasive. I honestly couldn't remember what the roses looked like on that bush or if it even bloomed this year. The cotoneaster was also removed from the butterfly garden and planted on the back corner. I had moved another one from that bed in the spring and it died, hopefully this one won't.

I wanted to get as much moved today as possible since we should be getting some rain tonight and cooler temperatures are coming. My feet and legs are very sore from all of the digging, but I had a wonderful time outdoors today and feel pretty good about what was accomplished.


  1. You've been busy! I'm jealous, I didn't have time to garden all day long. That day job, you know? It gets in the way sometimes.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  2. You got such a lot accomplished! Yes, it's a great feeling. I had to work so I missed out on a lovely warm day in the garden. They're becoming scarce and I hate to waste them inside!
    It's nice to see what you have planted. Perennials are wonderful, but it's quite a job to keep them maintained when they're spreaders, or not where you want them to be. I'm still moving plants too and need to thin some out!

  3. Hi there, Robin

    Great to see someone else tidying up :-) It's great to be starting again isn't it?


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