
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November Garden Blogger Bloom Day

The mums and pansies are the highlights in my garden for the November Garden Blogger Bloom Day hosted by Carol, from May Dreams Gardens .

There are a few surprise blooms here at Robin's Nesting Place. Like Carol, my garden is in zone 5, where we have already had some pretty cold temperatures and frost. It warmed up for a few days and the Verbena has started to bloom again.

I still have miniature roses blooming.

The lantana on two plants are still blooming. The other three lantana plants gave up after the first frost.
A few inside plants are blooming. The kalanchoe has just a few blooms left; I so glad they hung around for November GBBD.
The peace lily is also blooming.
The other surprise for November GBBD is that I still have purple wave petunias blooming and they still look pretty! This planter is on the patio up against the house, but still exposed to the elements, I can't believe the frost hasn't killed it.
I have pansies in an assortment of colors blooming in the front porch flower bed.

I brought five of the gerbera daisies inside so I could enjoy these gorgeous blooms longer. Three of them are blooming now, and another is just beginning to bud. They seem to be doing just as well inside as they were out.

I also brought in an African daisy and it has tiny buds on it. It hasn't bloomed in a couple of months so I'm surprised to see the buds. I was mainly curious to see if it would overwinter inside.

I still have salvia, and lavender in bloom too. I was concerned that I'd have nothing blooming this month, so I'm very glad that a few things hung in there so I could at least have a few blooms to share.

My parents called me yesterday and surprised me with the news that they were coming up from Alabama to visit TODAY. Since they are here I'll be a little more preoccupied than usual, so it may take me a few days to get around to see all of the GBBD posts. I look forward to seeing if others have surprise blooms for November.


  1. Mums and pansies are about all that is left in my garden, too.

    But it looks like your indoors is going to be quite a wonderful place with lots flowering this winter.

    Thanks for posting for bloom day again.
    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  2. Thanks for sharing your GBBD photos. Your miniature rose is especially sweet. I loved your "catnip kitty" pictures too!

  3. Your November blooms, whether inside or out, are quite cheerful. I love those miniature roses.

  4. Have a wonderful visit with your family, Robin, and thanks for sharing the blooms with us - those purple waves petunias are tough plants, aren't they!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. This mum is just splendid. Thanks for sharing those flowers with us.
    Have a nice time with your parents!

  6. Your gerbera daisy looks like a perfect flower. A really lovely pink, absolutely posing for the camera!

  7. You have quite a bit of color for being so far north.

    Have a good time with your folks.

  8. Great bloom photos! Love the pink gerbera daughter had gerbs for her wedding flowers, in all colors. And a bunch of just red for her bridal bouquet.

  9. Wasn't it fun hunting for the blooms you still had in the garden and weren't you surprised that there were actually quite a few for November! And then you had the indoor blooms too. Not bad eh? Enjoy the visit of your parents and come to Bliss to look at my blooms when you have time.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Hi there neighbor and thanks for the November show in your garden.

    This will be the last bloom day for us until next year.

    Hope your parents enjoy their visit.

    Thanksgiving is going to be very cold this year and the temperature will be only 17 degrees that evening so get your long johns out.

  11. I love the purple leaves with the pink flowers of the Lantana. Sometimes plants look best just b4 they give up the ghost. BTW I tagged you for the 8 Random Things meme.

  12. My garden interests move indoors in the winter. There is much to catch up on after a busy season outdoors! I really need to do a post on the houseplants. Thanks for the reminder!

    --Robin (Bumblebee)

  13. Hi there, Robin

    I love the miniature rose too - such a delicate little thing isn't it :-D

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend with your parents :-D

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