
Monday, January 14, 2008

Blue Jays

My parents, in Alabama, have three huge oak trees in their front yard and they always have visiting Blue Jays feasting on the acorns from the trees.

While we were home for Christmas, I mentioned to my mom and dad that I wanted to gather some of their acorns to take home with me to see if I could attract more Blue Jays here. Some time passed and we began to wonder where my dad had disappeared to, I went to look for him and finally found him outside on his bad knees gathering acorns for me. He is that way, always wanting to do something for someone. He never has been very expressive with his love, but he loves to do things for us. He can fix just about anything and when he visits us he usually looks for something to fix while he's here. Gathering those acorns for me was his very special way of showing me that he loved me.

He gathered a very full plastic grocery bag of acorns and then I gathered a basket full the day that I planted bulbs for my mother.

The birds have been scarce since the weather warmed up, but today we had a light dusting of snow and they were back. I put a few of the acorns in an old sock and cracked them with a hammer. I secured a grocery store fruit basket with cut up pantyhose tied tightly to the patio table and put some of the acorns inside the basket. The Blue Jays have been eating acorns off and on all day. This is the most I've seen them around. From now on my fall/winter trips home will include acorn collecting. Thank you, Daddy, and I love you too!


  1. Any man that would gather acorns for their baby girl is a very loving Dad. It is wonderful that you are mature enough to know this is a form of great love.

    Do you have an oak tree planted? Maybe one of these Blue Jays will plant one for you.

  2. How very sweet, Robin. My daddy has been with the Lord for 7 years now and I miss him very much. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how important it is to love on your parents as much as you can while they are still here.

    We have more acorns on the ground this year than I have ever seen here on Pollywog Creek. Louis said that usually means that we will have a cold winter - but I'm still waiting for that to happen!

  3. I have a few big oak trees in the back. Until last weekend I didn't have one single blue jay. I think I need to get some more smaller trees or shrubs for them to feel more confident. Otherwise the squirrels are the only happy ones about the acorns:)

  4. What I wouldn't give to be a bird in your yard!

    Katie at GardenPunks

  5. my father was also kind in that way that he would never come out with words but show in other ways he cared! How great to have some food supply for the birdies!

  6. What a beautiful post, Robin - and isn't it amazing how a blog lets you share this tribute to your dad's kind nature with other people.

    I didn't realize the jays liked acorns, but guess that's one reason they're around all the time, eating the acorns from the live oaks.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  7. This is a very good example of action speaking louder than words. Your dad did a very kind thing and both the birds and you appreciate its value.

  8. The blue jays are beautiful birds! So nice you could attract them with your Dad's acorns.

  9. Robin, it was nice to see a picture of your dad. I miss those dear folks at CBC!! I always enjoy your blog, your FABULOUS pis, and learn a lot from reading here. Thanks for sharing!

  10. He is a sweet man. He'll be pleased the acorns are being enjoyed by the Blue Jays :o)

  11. How sweet of your dad to gather the acorns for you. I'm glad the jays are coming to feast on them. You'll think of your father whenever you see them there feeding now, I'm sure. A lovely memory :)
    Did I mention before how much I love your photo of the robin bathing in the birdbath?


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