
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January Garden Blogger Bloom Day


I started my blog on April 7, 2007 and participated in my first Garden Blogger Bloom Day post on April 15, but Carol, from May Dreams Gardens started this creative venture in January. Happy Garden Blogger Bloom Day Anniversary, Carol, it has been fun sharing my blooms and has caused me to be more creative with blooms in my home and garden. I have also enjoyed seeing what others across the US and even in other countries have blooming. It has not only been fun but also educational in that I've had more exposure to unfamiliar plants and their Latin names. Yes, it is a bit of trouble and it's time consuming, especially when there is lots in bloom, but it has been worth the time and effort.

There isn't much blooming here at Robin's Nesting Place this month. I only have one African Violet and it is in full bloom. Thankfully the amaryllis held on for GBBD, but just barely. One of the amaryllis didn't bloom at all, another bloomed but wasn't very pretty, (pictured below) and one had stunning gorgeous blooms, (pictured above).

This is my first orchid and I've enjoyed it immensely. I had no idea the blooms would last for so long.

The Kalanchoe only has a couple of blooms left.

The yellow gerbera daisy is the only one still blooming.

Jan Bloom Day Aphids
Oops! Look what I found on one of the blooms! I'm glad I pulled this out for pictures today or I might have missed this. I'll be starting my indoor seeds soon and I don't want aphids sucking the life out of my new seedlings.

New Seeds

I picked up some of my new seeds a few days ago, (most of these are direct sow seeds). So, while I may not have much in bloom for January, I'll more than make up for it come summer!


  1. Great photos! Those sneaky aphids on the gerbera! Looks like you will be busy with all those seeds to plant.

  2. Beautiful blooms, Robin!

  3. As always, your photos are breathtaking, Robin. You have such a knack for composition, and the clarity and colors are amazing. What a treat. Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Wonderful blooms! Love the color on that orchid. Your seed packets are pretty and cheerful, too!

  5. Hello Robin
    You will love the butterfly weed. It will take a couple of years to produce blooms, but it will be well worth the wait. Go by River Road Park this year as they have a large population.

  6. Robin you have gorgeous blooms. I am always amazed by how long Orchid blooms last. I think they last as long or longer than Kalanchoe blooms. I like the soft pink of your kalanchoe. It looks like a double bloom. I don't think I have seen this one before.

  7. Robin, those seed packets are full of summer blooms and are very tempting to me! In the meantime, you have a lot of pretty blooms indoors to carry you through the winter. Thanks for joining us for bloom day again)

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

    (We actually started in February, but I seemed to have confused everyone by writing we've come full circle. I meant we've completed a full year!)

  8. OMG! 1st I discover that there are pink Kalanchoes, now I see you have a Double pink! Now I must have 1. That orchid is equisite.

  9. These are pretty fine bloom day posts, RNP! I especially love the orchids for their rich colour.

  10. Splendid photos of your indoor garden, Robin. Such beautiful colors.

  11. Your Wal-Mart has seeds? I'm jealous, ours is still empty so far (well the one I checked, there's tons of them).

    I've never seen those summer dreams cosmos before - I must have some! :-)

    Any other cosmos you recommend? Last season was my first experience, with sonata, and I LOVE them.

  12. Great pictures. I love the amaryllis!

  13. Frances: Thank you and I can't wait to get busy planting come spring.

    Melinda: Thank you.

    Nan: Your welcome, and thank you so much for your sweet comment.

    Connie: I love that orchid color too.
    I love seed packets.

    Dan: I've never grown butterfly weed and look forward to it. Thanks for the tip on River Road park, I'll definitely check that out.

    Lisa: I'm not sure where I picked that one up, I think probably Walmart or Lowe's

    Carol: Sorry for the misunderstanding on the GBBD anniversary.

    Mr McGregor's Daughter: Hope you can find the double pink kalanchoe. I recently transplanted a cutting of it. I'm not sure how long it takes them to bloom from the cuttings.

    Jodi: Thank you, I had never had a n orchid before but this color won me over quickly.

    Carolyn Gail: Thanks, it certainly makes winter more cheerful to have indoor blooms.

    Minhus: I found the seeds outside in the garden center of my Walmart. They didn't even have them inside the store yet. The only two cosmos I've tried was the Sensation and Summer Dreams. I really enjoyed the Summer Dreams last year.

    Verobirdie: Thank you, I've enjoyed the amaryllis too. It was beautiful.

    Thank you all for the Garden Blogger Bloom Day comments you have left for me at Robin's Nesting Place. They are very much appreciated.

  14. I am new to your blog and I enjoy your posts. Lovely orchids and gerbera. I also enjoyed the story of the way your dad shows his love.

  15. Thanks for sharing those striking colors. I've been so used to seeing brown and gray lately...

    I'm looking forward to seeds and Zinnias again!

  16. You have some bright and beautiful blooms! I especially love that pink and white amaryllis. It looks almost iridescent. Truly gorgeous. I've been getting some good ideas and education seeing what others have blooming too. I've added several to my list of plants to try.
    The Kalanchoe is so pretty and your orchid is a glorious color!
    I see you found some different Cosmos. Don't you love them? Along with all the rest, of course :) Can't wait for spring to start planting!


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