
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Birds in the Snow

We were expecting quite a winter storm but thankfully most of it bypassed us. It was just enough snow to make the roads messy.

I'm from Alabama, on the rare occasion when it snows in Alabama you go to the store to get enough food for a month and you don't drive in it. I have been fortunate that even though I've been here for seven years, I haven't had to get out on the roads before the snow plows run.

Yesterday was different, the roads were horrible and I had to take my daughter to work and then go pick her up afterwards. Not fun! Now I remember why I hibernate in the winter. I much prefer the Alabama way.

I'd much rather sit at home and watch the birds. So much more relaxing.

See how relaxed Libby and Lilly are when they watch the birds? Much better than freezing windshields, messy roads and white knuckles.


  1. What a great way to spend a cold day--watching the birds. It's my little bit of sanity in the day.

    Robin at Bumblebee

  2. Once again, you've captured beautiful images of your birds. Is that blue jay exceptionally white on its underside, or do they all look that way and I never noticed?

  3. Love your pet photos and love your amazing bird in the snow shots! BlueJays are not easy to photograph!

  4. Fablous Blue Jay picture of it taking off. Libby and Lily are sweeties. It is best to stay inside if you can in this slippery weather.

  5. These are great photos, Robin, all of them. I love the bird shots, but the pics of Lily and Libby are equally terrific. Glad the storm mostly passed you--it's busy pasting us, first snow, and now torrential drownpours of rain. This winter is seriously getting to me!

  6. I don't know, I think I see "lunch" in the eyes of your cat! ;)

  7. Your bird and pet photos are so incredible, I could reach into the computer and touch them! Thanks for a cheering post, even though you have so much snow. In TN we also run to the store at the hint of snow and buy up all the toilet paper, bread and milk, so it is sold out for the normal shoppers. Oh and let's close the schools too, just in case it really does snow.
    Frances at Faire Garden

  8. Beautiful pictures of those birds. The snow can make the world seem so different, can't it.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  9. robin: the birds in your photos are adorable and I am with you... even though we don't have to contend with snow down here it would be much more fun to watch the birds.

    Your golden retriever photo brought back very fond memories of one we had when my children were growing up. They are simply THE BEST DOGS around! Great photo too.

  10. Your bird pictures are so beautiful - I dunno how you do it - but it is so difficult - unless you have special equipment for that ? :))
    blue jay is so blue and so beautiful - I didn't see this bird before - we do not have them here :)

  11. Hi, Robin, Pretty blog. I'm a Pisces, too. I can relate to the staying off the roads during snow. I lived in NC for two years. Everytime it snowed there they just closed everything DOWN and everyone wisely stayed home until it was over. The Midwest is a little more adventurous, however! (University in OH...) Kathryn,

  12. Beautiful pictures! I hate driving in the snow as well and I live in wisconsin:)


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