
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dark-eyed Juncos

I threw a few seeds on the patio this morning to bring the birds up close for my kitty and the two little children that spent the day with me today. The dark-eyed juncos were the only takers we had.
I love the little squeaky sound the cat makes when she sees the birds up close, it always makes me laugh when I hear it. As you can see in the picture we were having a few flurries again today.

I was pleased that I actually got the eyes to show up, even a little. Their face is so dark that in my previous pictures of the junco I couldn't see the eyes.


  1. What great pictures you got of this bird. I've never seen one in person so this is a treat.

  2. We've got bunches of juncos here, too! I took a few photos earlier today but I have yet to look at them on the computer.

    One of my patients today was talking about the huge snowflakes we had the other night and I told her I knew someone who said they were the size of tissues and her eyes lit up and she said, "Exactly!!" LOL

  3. Hearing you describe things brings laughter to my heart. It makes me slow down and see it your way. It was cute that you took the pics for the cat, the kids, and you. I can see you all enjoying the moment. Great Post.

  4. They are delightful little birds. The one in the first photo looks cold. It is difficult to try to photograph their eyes. I have trouble putting highlights into eyes of birds that I try to paint when their eyes are so dark on dark.

  5. Great photos of a beautiful bird! We don't have these birds in Norway.

  6. I remember your comment about not seeing the eyes. It bugs me too :) These photos came out nicely. The juncos are sweet little birds. We see plenty of them too. The birds are great entertainment, aren't they?

  7. The juncos are plentiful here, live4evermom. Thanks for stopping by.

    Kylee, that is too funny about your patient. Those were some seriously large snowflakes.

    Thanks so much, Anna. Your blog brings me incredible pleasure too.

    Lisa that eye thing really drives me nuts. I took pictures of the cardinal too and I can't see the eyes. There's just something not right about it.

    Thank you, Marie. I enjoyed the beautiful spring flower pictures on your blog today.

    Kerri, I do love watching the birds and I love watching the cat watch the birds. Both are so entertaining and bring cheer to the dreary winter days.

    Nancy, they are sweet birds and brave too. Their not skittish about coming right up to the window where the cat is.

  8. I don't know if we get juncos here in Austin. They're pretty cute. Most of my visitors are sparrows, grackles, wrens, mockingbirds, and white-winged doves. Not very exciting, but they're fun to watch nonetheless.

  9. Great shots Robin.

    We get Juncos here in Utah too and I love watching them and the Chick-a-dees battle it out with the Finches for sunflower seeds.

    They seem to be so much more 'civilized'.

  10. Beautiful photos--especially the first. Thanks for posting!

  11. I love the first photograph - the Junco looks so majestic among the snow and branches. Your photographs are always stunning, Robin!

  12. That's it! I am just going to have to get a better camera. Your pictures are so great. And I love your narrative!

  13. Great way to share the birds with our little people! Also . . . my cats love to chatter when they see the birds! You should have heard them when they saw Wild Turkey in the yard for the first time!

  14. I've been watching the Dark-eyed Juncos a lot lately, knowing they'll be leaving soon. Last year they left quietly and suddenly I realized they were gone for a while. Sweet birds.

  15. Robin I was reading some of your earlier posts regarding Verbena Bonariensis. Did you start this plant from seed? I live in South Dakota and I wonder if it will reseed here. Can you be of assistance. Love the birds.


  16. Hi, Peggy. I purchased two plants originally, thinking they were perennials. I recently discovered that they are annuals here in zone 5, but they drop seed and spread like crazy in the area where I had the original two plants. I am winter sowing seeds this year just to make sure I have them again. I love those plants. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Hi Robin! I know what you mean about the cute little "clacking" noises your cat makes at the birds. Mine does that too and I always get a kick out of it. Love the Juncos. They seem to only be here when it snows or is very cold. You are an inspiration with all your seeds!


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