
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This group of impatiens are growing so fast and are very healthy. The roots are now showing through the peat and I really need to get them into larger containers tomorrow.

I know there are people who avoid using peat for environmental reasons, but I have had great success with the peat pellets on those plants that are fussy about transplanting and will continue to use them.

Notice the huge difference in the impatiens? This group was sown at the same time, from the same seeds and under the same lights as those in the first two pictures. The only difference is that these were the ones that were gently pulled from the peat pellets when I thinned them and the others were left undisturbed. The impatiens I planted last year did the exact same way. I probably won't even bother transplanting them next year. It is just so hard for me to throw them away, on the other hand, it is very time consuming and takes up valuable space that I could be using to grow other things. Considering that, I'll give these a few more days to perk up and start growing, if not, I'll not waste any more time pampering them. I do have two other impatiens seed packets that I can use to grow more if I want. This makes so much sense, why is it so hard to do? It's really kinda dumb.

I just got up from my seat went over with the resolve to pluck those inferior plants right from the dirt while I had the nerve, but I couldn't do it. O.K. be brutally honest with me, do I have a problem, is this abnormal? Never mind, I don't think I want to know.


  1. You funny girl. You aren't abnormal. I hate to pull out seedlings too. My zinnia bed was a close encounter because I couldn't thin them when I should have. Ha... I even have had a friend ask me "don't you believe in euthanasia". Ha..

  2. Robin, this behavior isn't abnormal in the least :) Isn't it nice to know we're not alone?
    The little seedlings just need time to recover from the shock, don't you think?
    Those bigger impatiens are doing remarkably well. You may end up having to pinch them back later on to keep them from being too leggy.

  3. Abnormal? Not for a gardener! Your seedlings look so healthy under the lights, hmmm, maybe we need lights too. Those lesser impatiens will perk up when planted outside, won't they?

    Frances at Faire Garden

  4. Lisa, I can't thin zinnias either. I just try to spread the seeds as finely as I can.

    Thanks, Kerri. Oh, pinching back is another difficult thing for me to do. I'm hoping it will be easier since these seem to be growing so fast. I want them just beginning to bloom when time to plant outside. So pinching back will delay those blooms.

    Frances, the transplanted impatiens last year never really looked that great. I keep hoping things will be different this year.We'll see.

  5. Hi Robin, I have used peat pellets for many years now along with peat pots and would not give up using either of them.

    I would love to grow Impatiens but they have a tough time taking the heat here in Utah. I guess I'll just have to grow indoors. Oh well.

  6. Hi Robin,

    I share this with you and the other commenters. There's always this hope that tomorrow the seedlings will suddenly perk up ... it's hard pulling any living plant..

  7. Thinning seedlings does seem to be something that many gardeners can't bear to do. You have to choose which ones live, which ones go to the compost bin.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  8. Where did you find your little jiffy peat pots? I have tried find them every where with not much luck.


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