
Monday, February 25, 2008

Snowflakes the Size of Tissues

My daughter looked out the window tonight and was surprised at the large snowflakes, she said it looked like tissues were falling. They were the largest snowflakes I've ever seen.

Both of my children are beginning to groan and complain when it snows now. We are all so ready for spring, but according to the forecast we have several more days with snow this week.


  1. No snow "down here" yet. Supposed to get some by morning. It was raining but seems to have stopped for now.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  2. Robin: Those are some large snow flakes! Too bad we can't share some of our Florida warmth and green with you right now... but it shouldn't be too much longer for you ... surely spring is on its way!
    Meems, Hoe and Shovel

  3. Isn't it magical!! Every now and then, it happens here too. I try to run out and capture one on a dark plate so I can see the details of the flake. I can always look at my dh and see a flake anytime--but snowflakes are such beauties!!

  4. If only your children and mine could change places just for a day. Mine would LOVE to see those snowflakes falling. They are quite large. And yours could enjoy our recent 80-degree temps.

  5. Wow...amazing snowflakes. My kids would LOVE them. We rarely get much snow here and my son really wishes he could get out of school and build a snowman. Just doesn't happen much here in VA!

    I am really getting a very nice camera for my birthday in March and can't wait to start taking some 'real' photos...and posting them. I doubt they'll be as nice as yours, but I'm going to try!!

  6. Those are humongous snowflakes! I haven't seen any snowflakes here yet.

  7. Wow those are HUGE snowflakes. Hopefully they won't be around for very long.

    We are looking for spring here too. It has been raining off and on most of the night here.

  8. Even though you and yours are tired of more snow, those are a masterpiece of nature. We are to get snow tonight after yesterday's temps in the mid sixties. Crazy weather!

    Frances at Faire Garden

  9. It's been a few years since we've seen big fat snowflakes here. Good thinking to get your camera out and snap a few photos!

  10. Great pictures !
    We have very small but numerous ones falling right now. I know it is FUN to see the big ones though .. it makes you stop and become mesmerized when this happens !

  11. WOW!! Wasn't the snow beautiful!
    Even so, I, too, am more than ready for spring.

  12. The snow is beautiful, but enough is enough!

  13. I am with the kids . . . its time for spring! WOW those were big flakes! We had the heavy snow today! Ugg

  14. It IS getting tiresome, isn't it? We were getting snow earlier this evening, but now it's turning to sleet--ick! But we had 2 1/2 days of sun here, so I guess I shouldn't complain...too much!

  15. My goodness!! It's been so many years since I have seen a snowflake but didn't know ANY were ever as lare as tissues falling from the sky. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics of those big flakes.

    We were at 70 degrees when we got up this morning, but a cold front moved through and we are going down to 35 tonight. So cold but no chance of snow here in the panhandle of Florida. Tell J&J to enjoy one last hurrah of it for us here, okay?

    Love ya!

  16. Those are BIG!

    I've enjoyed looking through your site as well as your Flickr pictures...just lovely!!!

  17. Fat snowflakes!

    Your children's groans brings back memories of a Maryland blizzard in 1996, followed by two major snow storms. My daughter and her friends were eager to go back to school! We thought it would never end.

  18. Maybe the memory of the big snowflakes will stick with your daughter long after the warm weather returns, Robin - and how great that you caught the photos!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  19. We've had snow flurries on and off all day today. No accumulation, but still snow! It is so pretty.

  20. Wow! Those are some BIG snowflakes! Great photos as usual. Thanks for sharing them!


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