
Friday, February 15, 2008

February Garden Blogger Bloom Day

This month marks the one year anniversary for Carol's Garden Blogger Bloom Day. I started Robin's Nesting Place in early April and participated in my first GBBD that same month and have done so each month since. This months will be short because I have almost nothing in bloom. Even my kalanchoe gave up and doesn't have a single bloom. I'm so glad I have this lovely primrose, she is certainly the best of the February GBBD show .

I am still amazed at how long this orchid has bloomed, I think I said this last month too. I had never had one before, because it is hard for me to justify spending that much money for an indoor plant. Thankfully, this one was on clearance when I bought it.

The gerbera daisies have survived the winter indoors so far and are still giving be blooms. This one is the only one with an open bloom, but several others are putting out new buds.

I've already visited several southern gardens for GBBD, the blooms are so refreshing to see, yet at the same time they invoke a bit of that little green monster called envy. I'm trying to remember that spring will be here soon too.


  1. Hi Robin! Wish I had something to post for this day. Maybe next month. I LOVE your pink post. With all of your wonderful birds you have you may want to anticipate in the Great Backyard Bird Count that is going on this weekend. I have a link on my blog. I always enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Wow, Robin - you can't help but feel happier after seeing those stunning flowers. I'm so glad you posted today!

  3. Beautiful shots as usual, Robin. Don't be envious of the southerners, think about our hot, humid summers. In Texas this is their best time to be outside, before it gets so hot the sweat drips into your eyes as you are working in the garden. When we lived in Houston, I went out at dawn and had to come in before ten am, dripping like I had jumped into a swimming pool.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  4. Frances makes a good point--I enjoy seeing all the blooms of those in warmer zones than we are, but I wouldn't want to live in all that heat. Your blossoms are lovely, of course. I could just sink into that last closeup!

  5. Beautiful blooms indoors, Robin. Soon your crocuses will be bloming outdoors, too. Mine is on the south side of my house and gets some radiant heat off the sidewalk, which is why I think it seems to bloom so early.

    Thanks for joining in with bloom day again!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  6. Wow Robin it seemed like your primrose BURST onto my computer screen. Such fun. Love all of your blooms. I didn't know GD could be kept blooming all winter. Good job.

  7. Robin - Your flowers pack a lot of punch, so it's ok that there aren't many! Your orchid is lovely -- I've killed several in the distant past. I stared long and hard at many orchids in the greenhouse at the nursery where I bought my statue yesterday, but I had restraint. I am seriously thinking of trying again as I now have a terrarium-type thing I could put it in for nice humidity and indirect light. I also like the angle you used on the Gerbera - nice off center touch.

  8. Hi Robin. Your site is so beautiful! I would love to take pictures as good as these. What kind of camera do you use, if I may ask?

  9. Beautiful photography of your blooming plants. The primrose looks lovely.

  10. Hi Robin, all pics are beautiful...the photography is mindblowing...I'm simply mesmerised!

    Your Valentine's day post is great too.
    Best Wishes

  11. Such nice flowers to see from my view of snow, up to my eyeballs, here in Ontario Robin !
    Thanks for the shot of colour in my garden arm .. I'm in NEED of it !
    Thanks also for taking me on as a "fav" too ! LOL .. some days I can't figure out the message system .. just got up .. coffee hasn't kicked in !
    Joy : )

  12. Hi Robin, thanks for visiting my blog. Great pictures. Spent a bunch of money buying plants in bloom yesterday -- just can't wait any longer!

  13. I still love that Gerbera!!! I came back for a second look!

  14. Dear Robin,
    I enjoyed catching up with you this afternoon.
    Lovely blooms! I have to flowers about. I think they are even more important than coffee to start the day! The smell alone makes me smile.
    I enjoyed your bird pictures too.
    Watching the birds is my idea of winter fun. I too stay home when there is ice and snow about.

  15. Beautiful photos, Robin. I especially liked the orchid.

  16. Hi Robin- Your orchid is exquisite... I don't mind spending $$$ on them because they are so elegant and stately to enjoy indoors. I'm amazed you grow gerbera daisies indoors- wow. That red is wonderful.

    I agree with Frances- of course right now the weather is perfect-- but you won't be envious of us southern gardeners in a couple of months when we must do all our gardening in the wee early hours to manage the humidity and heat.

    It WILL be spring soon! Have a great weekend.

    Meems @ hoeandshovel

  17. Thank you all for stopping by Robin's Nesting Place to see my February GBBD post, and especially for taking the time to leave a comment.

    You all are so right about the southern summers. When I lived in Alabama, I would work so hard in my yard and plant so many beautiful flowers in the spring. Then when summer rolled around, with the heat and humidity, I didn't care if anything lived, I wouldn't even go out to water. The mosquitoes were so bad in the evenings I couldn't do it then either. It's just hard to remember that, when all I really think about right now is glorious spring, daffodils in February and the masses of azaleas in March. I love Indiana and it really is the only time I get homesick for the south, (of course, I'm only referring to location not family and friends, I certainly get homesick for them more often).

    Jen, I left a detailed response to your question on your blog!

  18. Love your blooms Robin, they are so colourful. It's nice to see that we both have primroses inside our homes even though we live so far apart. Do you think you will have outdoor blooms to show next time?

  19. You have the most amazing photographs! The colors are so vibrant. I'll have to go visit Jen's blog to see what camera you are using! ;-)
    Love the pink primulas, so sumptuous!

  20. A little color is certainly better than none. Your blooms are lovely. I'm going to try over-wintering a Gerbera Daisy next year.
    Frances makes a good point! But I'd sure like to be soaking up some their relative warmth down south!

  21. HI Robin, that is what we southern gardeners are here for to keep you all northern gardeners going during the winter. When my winter comes (that is what I call my 100 degree heat and humidity of summer) I will enjoy all of your garden pictures from the inside comfort of my AC cool house.

  22. Robin,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and taking the time to leave a comment, much appreciated,
    Wow - these are stunning pictures, wonderful colour
    Kind regards

  23. Your blog is one of the most beautiful blogs I have ever seen!
    I will link to you on my blog!

  24. Robin, what you do have blooming is enough. It's only February and Spring is a short time away. I don't have any blooms at all!

    You not only do you take wonderful bird photos, you take beautiful flower photos!

  25. Love your pics. I lost all comp. things. Everything except pics from before 2008. Lost all tax info. all contacts for email all excel info ALL info GONE! A little down..need some info from you write me please. Tam

  26. Please visit my blog I've got something for you.

  27. Your photos are wonderful, Robin! I love the macro shot of the gerbera daisy! The red is phenomenal.

    Thanks for leaving the note that the camelia is the state flower of Alabama. I didn't know that. That's really neat.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  28. That primrose is indeed lovely. It had the "happy flower effect" on me that you mentioned in an earlier post. Everyday should start out with that sight!

  29. I can't wait to see your garden in summer. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog!

    Nancy's Garden Spot

  30. Robin, I'm late to the blooming party but sure enjoyed your photos. Would it make you feel any better to know the lovely early daffodils in my Austin garden were totally blasted by 92 degrees on Monday? That record heat was followed by low 30's on Tuesday night. Your spring is coming and it will be so beautiful!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose


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