
Friday, February 29, 2008

Where in the world is Robin's Nesting Place?


Jodi, from Bloomingwriter, cleverly thought up an interesting and educational winter diversion for us. She challenged us to tell about the communities where we live and garden. Procrastinator that I am, I'm pushing the deadline turning in my homework assignment.

I would probably have done mine on Indianapolis since it is where I usually tell people, who know nothing about the area, where I live, but Carol, from May Dreams Gardens, has already done an ingenious post on the Top Ten Reasons You Would Love to Garden In Indianapolis.
So, instead I'll tell a little about Hamilton county and my small community of Noblesville.

Noblesville was recently named one of the top 10 places to raise a family. It truly is a wonderful place to live. In 2006 Hamilton county was listed as the 18th fastest-growing county in the United States. Why is that? What is so special about Noblesville and Hamilton County, Indiana? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Hamilton County has many wonderful parks and nature trails.

Cool Creek Park
This is Cool Creek Park and Nature Center in Carmel.

Squirrel at Cool Creek Park

Winter 2007 Potter's Bridge
Here in Noblesville, we have Potters Bridge Park and Forrest Park within walking distance of each other. Potter's Bridge has a wonderful walking trail along the White River. Forest Park has a large community aquatic center, golf course, play ground, miniature golf, extreme skateboard park, carousel and wooded walking trails.

My husband and son love that there are eight golf courses within a 10-15 minute drive of where we live.

We have wonderful public libraries in Hamilton County, (very important to a family of bookworms), really the best I've seen yet in any of the large cities where we've previously lived.

Morse Lake
There are many recreational opportunities for those who are interested in water activities.
Morse Reservoir and Geist Reservoir are two scenic lakes where you can take advantage of those glorious sumer days.

Just Ducky
I took this picture of the duck last year at Morse Lake. It is one of my favorite pictures and I actually have it as my screen saver right now.

Hamilton county is very proud of its rich history, and you can hear all about it at Conner Prairie.

Conner Prairie

Conner Prairie is a 250-acre living history museum, where you can experience how life was lived in Indiana in the 1800's. It offers many hands on activities and even opportunities for up-close and personal contact with farm animals.

Lambs at Conner Prairie

A great place to visit in the spring!


Hamilton county is still largely agricultural, although sadly many farms are being sold for housing developments and shopping malls.

Still, it is very, VERY, common to see corn fields and barns dotting the landscape.


Farmers Market Produce
One of the things I love about Hamilton County is that each of the larger communities has a farmers market, making it easier to get local produce...

Indiana Corn

especially that wonderful Indiana sweet corn.


There are many family owned farms that sell produce too and allow you to come and pick strawberries, blueberries, apples or pumpkins.

While Hamilton County is very sophisticated, (actually one of the wealthiest communities in the US), it has just about anything you could want in the way of shopping or dining, yet it still has that small town, friendly, Mid-western atmosphere.

While preparing to move up north from Alabama, we could have chosen to live anywhere in Ohio, Southern Michigan or Indiana. I spent months doing county by county internet research and chose Hamilton county, Indiana based on several factors, one being the cost of living index. It is one of the most affordable places to live and also one of the safest. While there are no majestic views of oceans or mountains here, it is a combination all of the little things that make this a great place to live and raise a family. We certainly have enjoyed our time here, and while I will always cherish my southern roots, Noblesville, Indiana is home and a very good one indeed.


  1. Robin, Great post! As you know, I live on the far south side of Indianapolis, so it is quite a distance from where you are, though we 'share' the same city. It's been awhile since I've been to Connor Prairie, I need to plan a spring trip "up there". Isn't anyplace in Indiana a great place? I think so, but then I'm a native born Hoosier!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  2. Oh my, those photos are just stunning. I can't decide the one I like the best, the duck or the barn, sky and drying crop field. Lovely to see a different 'side' of your area from that of Carol. Thanks so much for taking part in this project!

  3. Ahh! I guess I am a Midwesterner at heart. I love the barn and fields. Wonderful pictures and a great post!

  4. Conner Prairie! We used to have church outtings there. It's a very charming place.

    What a nice piece about Hamilton County. That sweet corn made me hungry immediately! -Jen :)

  5. The best part is that Lilly and Libby's mom live there!! You always have great things to say and beautiful pics. You sure me on wanting to live there. I keep these things in the back of my mind for places to visit. I want to come in the fall at harvest.
    ( I won't tell dh right now--I don't want to wake him up--roflmbo--he fell asleep sitting straight up)

  6. Your duck picture is ducky, but I love the barn pics and veggie pics just as much. Your photos really evoke a feeling of tradition, natural beauty, and home comfort. Looks like a great place to raise a family.

  7. Hi Robin - a great piece and you bought back happy memories of our visit to Conner Prairie in 1992!

  8. What a beautiful presentation of your County Robin. I know where Noblesville is located. You are right the area is growing in leaps and bounds. I have a friend that lives in Anderson which gets me up in that area a couple of times per year.

  9. Robin,

    Hello, just had to take a minute to see your site...very good post. Makes me wonder what photos I could post of Nashville...especially those not connected to the music world!
    Thanks for your kind words.


  10. It looks a wonderful place and I'm very envious. Perhaps I'll think about moving ....

  11. What a beautiful place! Your photos are amazing!

  12. What a fun and beautiful post. I'm going to google Noblesville right now on Google Maps so I really understand where you are.

    Happy March!

  13. I'd like to live there. Your photos tell a wonderful story of a town rich in beauty with everything nearby. Your photos of the barns are lovely and I love the duck!

    Nice post, Robin. You live in a wonderful place.

  14. Great post, Great pictures! I Didn't see much of your town when I was there a few weeks ago,we stayed mostly inside, but I'll be back!

  15. Ah, robin - it felt like home! How nice to read all about Noblesville - it truly is a small world. I think I told you that my in-laws farm corn and soybeans and breed and show Belgian Draft horses in Hamilton County! And now I have a list of some new places to go when we come visit again. I want to take our 5 yr old to Conner Prairie Farm, for sure. Wishing you Spring soon...

  16. I enjoyed your post for GBGP. The picture of the sweet corn just made my mouth water! I miss midwestern corn.

  17. My word Robin! You are quite the photog! I LOVE the squirrel picture and the red barn, even the picture of the corn with the water droplets is a work of art. Fantastic job!

  18. Great pics & great post! The squirrel shot made me laugh. It sounds like we live in very similar communities (my town made the top 25 of best places to live with kids), with the same challenges of maintaining open space in the face of development. I hope your community succeeds in keeping those farms - it looks like a wonderful place to live.

  19. I've only ever driven through Indianapolis, so it was fun for me to read this post and learn a little more. Your photos are wonderful--my faves are the veggie/farmer's market shots.

  20. Hi Robin - thank you for visiting my blog. What a great post - I love the Midwest and it looks like you definitely have a little piece of heaven! After taking a quick peek through the rest of your blog, I have to tell you that I love your photos - beautiful - and interesting posts. I'll be back. Oh, and your dog (Lily?) looks like a sweetheart - my two would love to play with her!

  21. HI Robin,
    I enjoyed your photos. Congratulations on making Guru at Blotanical!

  22. Robin: Your beautiful photos certainly reinforce the feel of "top 10 places to raise a family". Love the Potters Bridge and duck photo and all the barn photos, too. Very enjoyable post.

    Meems, Hoe&Shovel

  23. You are a very talented photographer

  24. Thanks for this lovely tour around your place in the world. Your photos are great! I particularly liked the one with the duck - amazing!
    Katarina at Roses and stuff

  25. What a lovely tribute to your new home Robin! A beautiful place indeed. :c)

  26. Absolutely beautiful blog. Thanks! Karen H

  27. Dear Robin,
    You live in a lovely area of the country. I love your duck photo. It is a beautiful duck and a beautiful picture.
    Having all the fresh produce about would be a factor for me too on where I lived.
    Thank you. Getting to know you and your gardens is fun.

  28. That is some gorgeous scenery! I'm envious. And the photo of that duck is priceless. I'd have it as my screensaver too. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Sign me up, I want to live there too. You did a good job of showcasing your community. The duck is cute with his colorful feet.

    clay and limestone

  30. As you know, Robin, I've been to Noblesville and you've captured it perfectly! Beautiful photos and now I'm craving the sweet corn. It will be five more months before we pick and eat our own!
    Great post!

  31. I love that close up! Oh it makes my mouth water for summertime.
    Here in Vermont, we're just setting the seeds to germinate. But they're in there, germinating...

    Happy to make your acquaintance Robin. It's a nice place you've made here.



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