
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nice While it Lasted

We had springlike weather yesterday and this morning. It was warm enough to melt all of the snow here at Robin's Nesting Place. I walked around the saturated yard and didn't find a single crocus peeking up through the ground. What a disappointment!

Lilly and I usually walk everyday when the weather is nice and we have really been missing our walks during the winter. We took a long walk yesterday and then again this morning. It was so nice to see our neighbors out and about. I miss the interaction during the winter months when everyone is in hibernation. Lilly was pretty tired after our long walk and she soon fell asleep with her little friend.

I sat outside on the patio this morning and watched the birds for a while. I was thrilled to see two frisky robins; a sure sign that spring is near. I can go weeks at a time without seeing goldfinches, but there were a few here today. It was warm enough to raise the windows for a short time this morning, I enjoyed listening to their sweet chatter. There were also a lot of noisy geese flying through.

Now for a seed update: I sowed these seeds on February 28, just a few days ago, and already quite a few are germinating. The Hare's Tail grass is doing well.

The Purple Wave petunias are beginning to germinate.

On a side note, I really dislike this brand of peat pellets. I usually buy the Jiffy pellets and thought these would be similar, they're not. SuzyQ had left a comment asking me where to purchase the Jiffy pellets, because she couldn't find them. I had mine left over from last year and now that I want to purchase more I can't find them either.

This isn't good. I wasn't as particular with the seed starting mix with this batch of seeds and I'm getting a bit of fungus. I cut a few slits in the plastic lid for ventilation, hopefully this will help. I have a few balloon flowers and Irish Eyes Rudbeckia that have germinated along with the fungus.

I finally pinched back some of the impatiens and it is amazing how quickly these are filling out.

The nice weather sure didn't last long. We are expecting ice and maybe a little bit of snow tomorrow and a few chances of snow during the week. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the last of the ice and snow.


  1. I have those little toadstools growing in my gardens in the summer! Plus these other things that lie low and then open and throw black seeds. I have no clue what those are.
    We got some freezing rain tonight, then snow on top of that. More to come. *sigh*

  2. All your babies including Lilly are doing great. You sure make me want a dog again but I'll wait till I'm doing working full time first. I'm about as antsy as one can get without a firm gardening plan for the new house. So I'm just watching your plants grow and thinking happy thoughts seeing Lilly with her friend. That was my favorite part. I could hear the birds singing too.

  3. Isn't the sound of wild geese flying by amazing? And they are bringing the spring with them too! It won't be long before your crocuses are shining their little lights in your garden.

    I loved the photographs of the barns in your geographical tour-what a beautiful place you live. Thanks for visiting me in my part of the world.

  4. Good for you getting a long walk in on a nice day. Your seeds always look good, but do tell about the irish eye rudbeckia, that sounds beautiful!

    Frances at Faire Garden

  5. It is so exciting to see your seedlings popping up and looking so healthy Robin. Your name sake was in our garden the past couple of days too. :)

    I believe you are showing us a picture of Sandhill Cranes. They are larger than Canada Geese and when they fly you can see their long legs sticking out from behind. When they call you notice a trumpeting trill. When CAGO call they have a shorter honk. You live more along the flyway than we do. We don't see them often because we aren't as far east.

    Lucky Lily to get to walk with you. She is a beautiful dog.

  6. Robin
    Snow , snow, snow and still ... snow .................... !!!!!!!!
    PS .. I am driven crazy by the snow .. haha

  7. Nice photos!

    I'm going to direct seed my impatiens this year and try to save myself the trouble of starting from seed. But yours look mighty healthy!

    Robin at Bumblebee

  8. My local Lowes is carrying the Jiffy Pellets already! Have you checked yours? I was so excited which made all the "normal" customers look at me like I'd lost my last marble. LOL. I could tell that they weren't gardeners...

  9. Loved the geese...we are just beginning to see them pass over on their way somewhere.

    Do you have a dedicated greenhouse for seed starting?


  10. I checked Lowes, Walmart and Tractor Supply and they had the jiffy pellets but they came in a little greenhouse kit with tray and lid - I was finally able to find just the jiffy pellets at for 10 cents apiece at Dammann's Lawn & Garden Center at 5129 S. Emerson Ave - not sure if that is anywhere near you or not.

  11. check out my newest site,
    where i have a place to write daily 'thanks for 2 day' messages...AND, I am now displaying photos taken with my NEW CAMERA that my husband got me for my birthday-which is tomorrow.
    I have taken inside photos of 'pinks' that I was going to do for Valentine's Day--like you did. I tried an outside shot of birds but the day was dreary and the birds were just brown finches...and the zoom lens is good, but it didn't seem like it got 'close' enough. Can you tell me what 'zoom' lens strength or type you use?? I really want some nice 'close up' photos that I can take from a distance. Jan (PS) I really do love your photos.

  12. So many blogs are reporting a warm up! I hope the ice and snow misses you.

    I've been seeing neighbors more often lately. They come out around 70 degrees. But I'm outdoors all winter long :o)

    Lilly is so pretty...

  13. I imagine the lovely preview of spring being just around the corner was just what the doctor ordered after the long hard winter you all have had. We are to be back to down to 40 tonight as a cold front has one again invaded the Florida panhandle. I always enjoy your pics and your posts. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  14. Seeing your namesake birds in your garden must be fun. You're right, they're a sure sign of spring---in your area. But down here in Austin they appear in the fall and depart in the spring.

  15. Your impatiens look to be coming along nicely. Isn't it great to be growing things again?

  16. Robin, we too had a "spring" day where neighbors were out. How nice to chat witout hurryinh in from the cold. But, alas, winter has returned. Ice, sleet, snow, cold winds! Can spring really be just 3 weeks away?

  17. Your seedlings look you use a heated garden mat? Also, I haven't found impatien seed or petunia seed at the garden I need to order them from a seed company?

  18. Thank you everyone for the nice comments!

    Robbinscabin, my Lowe's has the whole system, but not just the peat pellets.

    Gail, I have ventilated shelves in my loft area in front of the windows and I use grow light that are attached to the shelves. I have posts that show the pictures on the sidebar under "Indoor Growing System".

    SuzyQ, that is what I'm finding too. I think Dammanns is at the Indy show, I'll have to see if they have them there.

    Hi Jan, my lens is a 75-300 and still isn't close enough for me. I'd love to have one that zooms to 500. Funny, my birthday is today, (3/4). Happy birthday!

    Anonymous, I don't usually use a heating mat. I am using a heating pad right now though trying to get lantana to germinate, but this is the first time to use it. I found petunia and impatiens seeds at Lowes.

    Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving such nice comments. I love hear from you all.

  19. Sounds like you had a great day! I loved the shot of the geese. Perfect positioning with the sun. I'd better get started on our petunias!

  20. How great that you & Lilly were able to get out for a walk. I'm waiting for all the ice to be gone from the sidewalks around here. It's heartening to hear that the Robins are in Indiana - that means they'll be here soon.

  21. Your seed closeups are very good. I'm not much of a seed starter myself. If I can't broadcast it outside, it withers and dies inside. I don't like indoor plants either. I'm bad.~~Dee

  22. Robin: Isn't it wonderful to have a few nice days to remind you what you are looking forward to? That Lilly makes me dream of days gone by with our (now past) golden. He used to tuck his paw just exactly the same way.

    Really enjoyed all your bird photos... and of course watching your impatiens grow.
    Meems @HoeandShovel

  23. Hi Robin,
    I didn't notice your reply to my post until today...3/6. I'm always looking for a few replies on my (3) sites too, so if you ever want to leave one there...instead of here...I'd love that:)

    Thank you for the info on your camera. my short lens is 17/55 and the zoom is 55/200. My husband thinks I'm crazy for wanting a 300...but I think that would be better. Then another year maybe a 500 would be possible (not sure!). My flowers are posted on all 3 of my sites, different views, and they are so bright. I was surprised to see how well they turned out.

    Happy Birthday to you, too!

  24. I found jiffy pellets in abundance at the local Wal Mart and also at Lowes Hardware. Everything I have started this year has been in those.
    You have a beautiful blog.

  25. Janice, I've tried several times to visit your site but my access is blocked.

    A softer side: the only Jiffy pellets I've seen at Walmart and Lowe's are the ones with the complete growing system. I need the refill package. I looked yesterday at, Meijer's, Ace, Sears Essentials and they didn't have them either.


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