
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bluebird at the New Nesting Box!

I put up a nesting box a few days ago and had been keeping an even closer eye on the bird activity in the back yard. We had just arrived home from church and I was sitting and talking to my husband when a flash of blue outside caught my attention.

There was a bluebird checking out my nesting box! Our important conversation was momentarily interrupted as I ran for the camera and watched the bluebird with breathless excitement. It never went inside the box, it just did a little window shopping. Oh, I hope it comes back! I would be so delighted if it chose to nest in my box! Maybe I could offer it some mealworms and bribe it. I definitely need to do some research now and make sure that my conditions are ideal.

Look what else showed up in the back yard today. It was sure making a loud racket when I got too close. We have a few ponds in the neighborhood and occasionally I'll see a duck flying by, but they rarely stop by to visit Robin's Nesting Place. What fun! A bluebird and a duck within minutes of each other! That was almost too much excitement for one day, I think I'll go take a Sunday afternoon nap now.


  1. Robin .. I haven't really seen a picture of a Bluebird before .. wow ! he/she is really BLUE !
    What a great surprise to see early on in the season. Keep the pictures coming !

  2. How thrilling for you! If you are like me, watching the bird house will be all you get done for the enxt few days.

  3. That is a lot of excitement. I hope the bluebird comes back and chooses your nesting box!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  4. So exciting - I hope the bluebird comes back and you take a lot of photos :)

  5. What a little beauty! I hope the little bluebird moves in and decides to raise a family there.

  6. How cool! I've never seen a bluebird, but in 1st grade was forced to sing a song about it in music class over and over and over....

  7. That was quick. He must have been in the market and was waiting on some prime real estate. I'm sure your gardens are like moving to a fancy high rent district. That blue bird is thinking--what luck!!

  8. Your bluebird is so blue! I have had male and female bluebirds all year and they are beautiful, as you can see on my blog. But yours looks like an even deeper shade of blue. I hope yours stays to use your nesting box. My 2 bluebird houses are used by tufted titmice and/or chickadees and/or other small birds; but so far, not by bluebirds! Last year I even put out a small mealworm holder, right under the box, so the rain wouldn't get into it, but only the little carolina wrens (and squirrels) seemed to like the meal worms! I guess in this 'business' it's just 'wait and see'! That's the fun part, anyway. Waiting and watching, and snapping away with the camera! Take care.

  9. Very cool for sure and I have found my bluebirds also love the newer boxes that we put up! Keep us updated on how the nesting goes!

  10. Oh how wonderful, they must have been sending you esp signals to put up that house, and you obliged! We await some great pix showing future generations of the blue lovelies.

  11. Oh Robin I am just green with envy that a Bluebird would just come into your garden. They are so beautiful. I wish you luck in that they will nest in your box. It will be such fun watching them.

    That silly Mallard is also shopping for a nesting place.

  12. Oh, how fun! Do keep us posted on the success of your new nesting box, Robin.

  13. That bluebird would be crazy to pass up such a nice piece of real estate. :-) You have some great birds around your parts...and I think they somehow know they are most welcome at your house.

  14. I hope the bluebird decided to move in. It would be wonderful for you. (Although your husband would have to get used to lots more interrupted conversations!) Why is it that the female Mallard ducks are the ones that make all the noise?

  15. Oh....I hope the bluebird chooses you! I don't think I've ever seen a live bluebird before!

    yes, it seems that your blog is correctly named!

  16. what a beautiful bird, and I hope he returns:) My husband and I are debating whether to put out boxes...but, we have a VERY territorial Blue Jay, and I'm worried he might interfere!

  17. Oh, how beautiful. Your bluebird is much brighter than ours in Oklahoma.~~Dee

  18. That bluebird is blue! (And not a rainbow in sight!)

    I thought I would be the only one never to have seen a bluebird before - not even in a picture!

    Seems I am in good company.

    Didcott has stuck a birdfeeder against an upstairs window and filled it with sunflower seeds. And he's strewn extra ones along the sill.

    I hope we don't get mallards!


  19. Fingers crossed that you get a bluebird for your box. They are so fun to watch. We have the mountain bluebirds in Colorado and have had a nest box for years with a lot of success (and some heartaches). Keep us posted.

  20. Thank you for this site! Can anyone tell me why two pairs of Bluebirds were checking out the nesting box in late October. We live in Eastern Tennessee. Thank you!


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