
Sunday, March 30, 2008

This is Really Ducky!

We were sitting at the table eating this evening, when my son noticed a duck coming up to the patio. Of course I immediately jumped up from the table to grab my camera. The male mallard was soon joined by not one, but two female mallards.

They were quickly scarfing the sunflower seeds on the patio. Because of the constant motion and near darkness, it was difficult to get clear pictures of them.

The male walked right up to the patio door. I believe if I would have opened it he would have joined us for our evening meal.

It has been a very interesting bird day here at Robin's Nesting Place. I really don't think I could have chosen a more suitable blog name.


  1. You did indeed pick a great name for one of my favourite blogs, Robin. And this week has been one of birds for you, for sure. Bluebirds in the nesting box (I can only dream of such things)...ducks on your deck...and that cardinal photo...
    I just realized that colourwise, your Libby Cat looks quite a bit like Mr. Tigger Ells, the handsome cat down at the place where hubby is rebuilding his boat. I think they're called brown tabbies, maybe?

  2. That is so cool Robin! The kids would be beside themselves if a duck came onto our back patio! I thought that you got some wonderful pictures of your visitors!

  3. your blog with bird photos are beautiful and nice to see them.

    I really love birds and nature and would like to have you as a friend .

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  4. LOL Robin! Those mallards are funny ducks indeed!

  5. Robin, the first spring we lived here we had a pair of ducks nest nearby. We think the nest was in our neighbors messy/woody yard and everyday they'd wander over and take a leisurely swim on our swimming pool cover! They were always bobbing down for something to eat and we couldn't figure out what they would find there.

    I was heart broken in the next years as my husband would chase them when they first arrived. Once he explained to me what they were doing in our pool water (yuck) I understood why he didn't want them here.

    Still, every year we have a pair stop by for a day or two but now they must nest near the recharge basin down the street (much healthier for them and for us).

  6. You are having a ducky day. I bet those Mallards will nest someplace near.

  7. Tons of birds have visited my birdfeeders, but never a duck! How very amazing, Robin. You're one "lucky duck" to have been visited by Mallards - and the Cardinal is lovely! Debi @ GHT

  8. It's no wonder the male mallard was joined by 2 females. He's quite a handsome devil ... and ... it is Spring!

  9. How much fun that must have been to see those ducks wander up!

    As always, thanks for sharing your great pictures.

  10. Do you have a pond near by or did they just swoop down out of the sky? And the Bluebird in the earlier post is so vivid. We don't see them around like we use to. I hear that those little town wrens keep them away.

  11. We used to have 3 Khaki Campbell ducks, a male and 2 females..we named them Jacob, Rachel, and Leah. Jacob preferred Rachel and poor Leah was always left out. :-(

    That last photo of the cardinal is so beautiful!

  12. I wonder how long your ducks will stay? My grandparents had a male mallard come back every year, for a long time. In spring he always brought a female along. It was great fun watching them in the yard when we would visit.

  13. Robin,

    ...those are terrific are the ones in your previous post (Bluebirds).

    We have many birds in the yard but never a mallard!


  14. Wow on the ducks. Make way for Ducklings is one of my favorite children's books. The bluebirds are gorgeous! I haven't seen any around this year and am hoping they are just a bit late. Maybe they are all at your house. I know they will have a good home there!

  15. I agree. No other name could be more appropriate. What wonderful photos. And that cheeky little mallard sure did look determined to join you for the evening meal. After all, they couldn't have picked a better patio to visit. And maybe stay. I guess your little feathery friends must have spread the word about their guarding angel. :-)

  16. Great bird shots! It looks like you are getting a lot of interesting feathered friends! I love the photo of the cardinal in the budding branches. We don't get cardinals in our neck of the woods. I think they're so beautiful.

  17. I have never seen ducks eat sunflower seeds. You do have all kinds of birds there, don't you?! Hilarious.

  18. I get lots of different birds. But I can't say I ever get ducks! Love the photos. They're daring creatures, aren't they?

  19. That duck would have made quite the dinner date!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog! And, I just thought I'd mention that I'm also an Alabama transplant!.

  20. Very cool. Mallards are always a treat... so beautifully adorned (just photographed some this morning). Always love to see photos of Lilly... makes me miss our golden.
    AND yes, your name is perfect. Blue birds would be so fun to have in your garden.Of course, I never will but I'll sure enjoy yours if they do decide to nest.
    meems @hoe&shovel

  21. Uh, you have had quite a busy wild social life! I guess the duck would have loved to share your meal. He does look like that. I hope the bluebird will be back.


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