
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A New Job!

The weather forecast last night predicted a light freeze. I covered as much as I could with blankets, sheets, boxes, and plastic containers. There was frost on the ground this morning and as far as I can tell nothing in the flower gardens were damaged.

I've been very blessed to have been able to stay at home while my children were growing up. Now that they are 20 and almost 16, I decided to get a part-time job and I started it today.

I wasn't actually expecting to start a job this soon; I have so much to plant now that we have hopefully had our last frost. I'm hoping I won't be quite so tired when I get home tomorrow and can at least get the impatiens in the front flower bed.

The tulips look so pretty right now, but rain is in the forecast and that probably will finish them off.

This is my first year for lilacs and they do indeed smell wonderful!

The phlox is beautiful this year and loaded with blooms.

I'm usually able to stay up late and enjoy computer time, but tonight I'm exhausted and I have another early, full day of work tomorrow. So, off to bed I go.


  1. Congrats on the new job! I'm sure you'll still be able to get lots done in the garden, and continue taking wonderful shots of the feathered friends that visit.

  2. Hey Robin! Congratulations getting a new job! The transition from not working to suddenly working is rough, so be nice to yourself.
    I can almost smell your lilacs and the phlox is stunning. Beautiful as always. -Jen :)

  3. congratulations on the new job!

    It's going to be different, but I'd be willing to bet that you'll enjoy it.

  4. Congrats on your new job. It is hard returning to work after being a stay at home mom! I love all your pictures. Everything looks beautiful!!!

  5. I work part time, only four days a week, six hour days, and still it occupies a huge chuck of my week. I know it's a hard transition back in, but hang in there Robin. :c)

  6. Robin: Congratulations.Sounds like my story.My gardening really kicked in when I went to work 'after the kids' because it was such a wonderful way to "lose" myself after working all day.Right after dinner I could spend a couple of hours doing some "therapy" for the soul.
    Take it slowly -get your rest and you'll hit a groove with a new routine before you know it.

    Wish I could take a big whiff of those beautiful lilacs. All the flowers you featured are lovely.
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  7. Wow, Robin! A new job *and* all those gorgeous photos (not to mention the plants themselves)! How exciting all 'round!

  8. Congratulations on your new job! Don't worry garden lovers always find time to get out there in the dirt :)

  9. Robin, I hope you enjoy your job and find yourself getting into a good routine of having time and energy to enjoy your gardening as well.

  10. Congrats on the new job Robin. Working part time is great if you ask me. You will get used to your new job and not be so tired. Even if you aren't doing physical labor just the change in routine the tension of learning new skills etc will keep you on edge for a little while. It will get better. Your garden will be an even more pleasant experience for you as it will comfort you as you nuture it.

  11. Robin, congratulations on your new job! I hope you'll enjoy it and soon settle into a routine that allows you the time and energy you need to accomplish all that you desire.

  12. Congratulations on the new job! Your flowers look so lovely!

  13. As a gardener I'm sure you will key into a new rhythm, and you will be grateful to come home to the garden as solace. Hope you love your new work. Your photos are lovely.

  14. Congratulations on your new job! I agree with the other commenters who said that you will get used to the routine and find that gardening is a great way to unwind from work. Sometimes I find that the more I have to do, the more efficient I become.

  15. Hope the job is fun Robin, and leaves you plenty of time and energy for the garden and the birds. Love that phlox!

  16. Beautiful photography and gardening!

  17. Robin,
    Congrats on the new job - your garden looks very beautiful. Phlox is really packed with flowers - mine is just about to take off...

  18. Thanks for sharing your precious bit of free time with us. I know what you mean about starting work again after being at home for a while. I'm taking a bit of a break right now as our lives are in transition, but I'll be back in the "world" again soon. I hope your new employer learns to appreciate what a treasure he/she has in you.

  19. Congrats! I think you'll find yourself gravitating to the garden as a transition between work & home. Nothing relieves work-related stress better than weeding.

  20. Nice blog!

    This will be my first year for lilacs too. Special!

  21. New beginnings are always exciting, just like every spring! Good luck with the changes in your life. I know that your new employer is a lucky one! Great shots of the garden and blooms.

  22. Congrats on your new job, Robin. New adventures!

    This is my busy time of year for work, but rather than give up blogging time, I've been giving up sleep. Not good, and it can't go on much longer. ;-)

  23. With the new job and all, you'll have to be a weekend warrior gardner!! But it is part time like you say, so you can be part-time employee/part-time gardner. I'm sure you'll find a way to work it all in :)

  24. Great news and great garden photos, as always, Robin. Just pace yourself and don't get overly tired...need to have plenty of time for gardening, after all...;-)

  25. You all are so sweet! Thank you for the encouragement, compliments and well wishes.

    For several days it's been an 8-5 deal, which has been very tiring. After this week it should only be 15-20 hours a week which should still allow me plenty of garden and blogging time.

    I thought I'd have tomorrow off, but they called tonight and want me to come back at 8:00 in the morning. I think it's going to be raining anyway, so I might as well work!

  26. That is exciting news! I work part time and it is perfect for me, not too much time!

    The flowers look spectacular.


  27. Being tired is the hard part. It takes me about a month to get use to it. Fixing my hair is hard and figuring out what to wear comes next. I'm seasonal help so that on again and off again schedule is nuts. Good luck to you. Loved your photos today. I'm glad the frost didn't do any damage.

  28. Oh my gosh your pictures are beautiful! Tulips are one of my favorite flowers and those pink ones are breath taking.

  29. Congratulations! I think? I can think of nothing that I would like more than being home during the Spring season. I envy you those years. But I am sure that I would get bored not working.....NOT!

  30. Hi there Robin, sorry it has been so long :-)

    Well done you!! I completely understand what this will be like for you :-D

    You have lots to adjust to in more ways than just keeping up with blogging and the garden.

    Wishing you all the best and a great weekend in the garden :-D

  31. Beautiful, beautiful...
    Congratulations getting a new job!
    Have a nice weekend :)

  32. Robin, beautiful blog! Special the plant and the color of this lilas! Thanks for your message!

  33. I'm happy for you. Hang in there while you get adjusted to the new schedule.~~Dee

  34. Congrats on your new job Robin and it is quite normal to feel very tired in the evenings at first. It will get better once you get into the swing of things. Hope your job will give you lots of joy and lots of cash too. ;-)

    Lilacs are such wonderful blooms and their scent is magic!

  35. Congrats on getting a new job. And aren't the lilacs just wonderful? I'm glad you finally have some to enjoy from your own garden.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens


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