
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flowering Crabapples

The flowering crabapple trees are magnificent right now. Last year, the freeze destroyed our lovely blooms, but the trees are more than making up for that this year. I don't recall ever seeing so many blooms on the trees before. I think for some reason blooms are more prolific this year.

This is a small tree in my yard.

This one is a street tree around the block from me.

The Eastern redbuds trees are in full bloom also. I just want to stop and drink in this beauty as I walk through the neighborhood and drive around. It is truly one of the most beautiful springs I've encountered here in Indiana.


  1. I have several flowering crabapples too, but they aren't quite in full bloom yet. They do put on quite a show, don't they? Lovely photos, especially the first close-up.

  2. Apple flowers are absolutly gorgeous!

    Your photos are lovely :)

  3. I also think this is a beautiful spring in Indiana, one of the best I can remember in awhile. Last year was horrible because of the late freezes, but this year is just spectacular.

    I have a crabapple blooming like mad in my front yard, too. Pictures to come!

  4. Robin, they are gorgeous! I've been wondering if this spring's abundance of blossoms in the Chicago area on Bradford Pears, redbuds, magnolias, and early-blooming shrubs might be mother nature's way of making up for the lackluster show last spring when the April freeze damaged the buds.

    Even our corneian cherries, with their tiny yellow blooms, went nuts this year. Last year I didn't see a single blossom, and no cherries for the birds.

  5. Those are gorgeous colours Robin !
    We will have to wait a little while for our apple tree to bloom .. shades of pink and white .. they are all so pretty !

  6. Beautiful colours on those blooms. Do they have a scent?

  7. I couldn't resist clicking on the last photo to enlarge it - it's fabulous.

  8. What glorious flowers

  9. What glorious flowers

  10. Such lovely photos - living in Indiana must be a delight right now!

  11. OMGosh don't they smell wonderful? I just go out and sit under my tree and take a deep breath!!! Its such a glorious scent!! I love when my tree is full of blooms!!! I am so excited Spring is here!!!!

  12. Crabapples definitely make up for our not being able to grow Cornus florida. I really like your dark pink one. I'm so excited, I can't wait for mine to bloom.

  13. I delight viewing your lovely photos, Robin ... truly a delicious spring has finally arrived for all of us, waiting patiently, to taste.

  14. Your crab apples are beautiful! Spring seems to be making up for last year here in the south as well.
    Let me cheat and tell you the blue bird in your earlier post in deightful, Gail

  15. I think you are right about everything making up for last years freeze.

    I hope it doesn't freeze here tuesday. The wind is so cold this evening I would believe it would get that cold tonight. Brrrrrrr

  16. Beautiful. I love the pink shades. Mine are white, I can't wait to see them in bloom again. I sure hope they're blooming next weekend!

  17. The blooms are pretty. I'm lucky to have a view outside right outside my window at work of a flowering crabapple. Today it is just beautiful!

  18. I think you're is the most beautiful spring in a long, long time. Well worth the wait. Your trees look beautiful!

  19. Robin, this are wonderful photos. I love the flowering crabapples, wish I had some here. Our schools have lots of old trees planted there and I love to see them now in full bloom.

  20. We're having a flowery spring, too.
    One of the nicest I can recall.


  21. I got excited just reading your excitement. All my flowering Crabapples are over at the old house--boo hiss. I'll have to get another. I see you got new dirt too. I bet it smells good. Your plants will be happy. And then I see no one has moved in to the blue bird house yet? Well what are they waiting for?

  22. I am in Missouri and we are planting our first Dogwood - Kousa today, so very interested in how the Kousa you planted last year is doing.

  23. Isn't it wonderful to be surrounded by so much beauty? What a lovely garden you have and I enjoyed my stroll through it immensely! Just delicious blossoms!

  24. oops, sorry, didn't mean to be mysterious...I posted rather anonymously...

    Your welcome to visit ButtonWillow any time you wish.

  25. Hi Robin,
    Your Crabapple trees are just gorgous! I love them, you have really captured the beauty of them.
    I am with you last years freeze started a hard garden year for us last year. I think this Spring has really made up for it. Our Spring has been long and cool, with plentiful rain, that is not usual for us here! Lets enjoy the beauty while we can!

  26. Robin, this is so lovely, thank you for sharing! I love blossom, don't we all? Gorgeous pics as per usual. My apples are blossoming too.

  27. I love flowering crabapples too. I'm glad you can enjoy yours this year!


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