
Saturday, April 26, 2008

So Many Weeds, So Little Thyme

I've had some volunteer projects that have eaten up a lot of my spare time and kept me busy this week instead of outside where I longed to be. I was finally able to spend this beautiful day working on some outdoor projects.

With my hubby and son's help this evening we finally got all of the dirt I had ordered into the backyard border bed.

The stone patio wall had settled some and wasn't level in a couple of areas. I took it apart and rebuilt the two ends. Three of the arborvitae that was planted by the patio for privacy were moved to another part of the yard. I liked the privacy, but I was concerned they would get to large, besides they obstructed my view of the hummingbird flowerbed. I'm a bit overwhelmed with everything there is to do in the yard. The dandelions seem especially bad this year and I have weeds everywhere.

I saw this when I was out yesterday, and thought it was quite fitting.

The nesting box is still getting attention from the bluebirds, sparrows and recently a tree swallow. I sure wish one of them would move in.

I have so many things to plant, but we have a possible light freeze in the forecast, so I'm trying to wait. I hear thunder now, I wish I had remembered to cut the remaining daffodils to bring them inside. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Hi Robin, that is an appropriate saying for here too, what is with those dandelions? Although everything seems to be blooming more than usual, to make up for last year maybe? Sure hope your bluebird, or someone makes your lovely nesting box their home. Beautiful photos, as always.

  2. I totally agree with the sentiment. I only have weekends and evenings and it seems to always be raining. Today is going to be wonderful but we are out as its my mother's 70th - tomorrow more rain!!!!!

  3. There is never enough thyme in the garden Robin. Spring always feels overwhelming. Just take one bed at a time. That is all you can do. Then you will feel like you have accomplished something when you have all the beds weeded and then you can start all over. Those pesky weeds will make you feel needed forever. tee hee...

  4. An Award for YOU!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Melissa (blotonist)

  5. I wish I'd brought in some daffodils myself Robin. The wind and rain here finished them off last night. They look like mere shadows of themselves now.

  6. It's that time of year, for sure. Things, wanted and unwanted, are sprouting up everywhere. Whew. Not enough thyme indeed!

  7. Robin, I thought you'd been very quiet this week. Glad to know you are okay. You and I seem to shop at the same places. I have one of those little signs as well. We are to get cooool tonight, but no frost, and hopefully this will be the last of it.

  8. Sounds like you're getting a lot accomplished, but yes, there is *never* enough time! I'm itching to get through my children's schoolwork so I can spend more time outside rather than indoors teaching :)

  9. Beautiful photos from your garden!

    I don't have much time for my garden either at the moment.
    Come over to my place and have a look on what I am doing these days :)

    Have a nice weekend :)

  10. Oh well, if we had everything in the garden under control and on schedule we'd probably be bored and start a new project just to keep things lively.
    Whether or not someone moves into your nesting box, Robin - at least you've seen the bluebirds!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  11. I didn't realize the freeze is going into Indiana too. But everything in your yard looks great so far!

  12. I'm still pulling for the bluebird to get the box. I keep checking back hoping to hear good news! Your spring looks beautiful.

  13. It has been a beautiful spring this year! I've noticed the dandelion population too... I hope that's not a sign of more weeds to
    flourish! lol


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